Christian Support Group

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on 5/7/10 4:33 pm
Topic: RE: Is it ok as a Christian to have WLS???
Hi Lauren
I too am new to this group, but my thought is yes if the Lord is truly leading you to get WLS by all means do it.  I agree with another persons post who said.  what people say does not really matter in the long run.  But it never hurts to seek out support from other Christians.  As Christians we are also suppose to be supportive of one another.  If you feel that the surgery will help you loose the weight then do so.  You need only to go with what you feel is right for you.  You need to work out in yourself  before the date anything that you feel would prevent you from being totally comfortable with it before the date.   
             Jesus is The Answer!
     "Even a long, dangerous journey can be faced confidently when God is leading the expidition."--unknown                  

on 5/7/10 4:18 pm
Topic: RE: What difference does it make?
Yes I believe that God is very supportive of his children who want to lose weight.  I believe that he send us supporters to help us along the path of our entire life.  God wants his temples to be healthy.  We get help sometimes from the most unexpected places, and at the most unexpected times.  We just need to be attentive to see what God is trying to tell us at the apropriate time.
             Jesus is The Answer!
     "Even a long, dangerous journey can be faced confidently when God is leading the expidition."--unknown                  

on 3/29/10 8:53 am - Fostoria, OH
Topic: RE: surgery date
 Wonderful!  When was it?  I had my surgery, August 4, 2009!  Best thing I ever did for myself.  I have lost 115 lbs! Keep in touch.
on 3/29/10 7:36 am - Rocklin, CA
Topic: RE: surgery date
My surgery went great!!  The care in the hospital was not that great.  I am so glad my husband spent the night!  I have lost about 35 lbs so far.  Almost 6 weeks out.  Have you had your surgery yet?  Mary
on 3/24/10 9:37 am - Fostoria, OH
Topic: RE: surgery date
 How was your surgery?
on 1/24/10 3:06 am - centereach, NY
Topic: RE: surgery date
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praying for you. Would like to post your date on  ChangedforGodforlife also

May God bless you and keep you
In Christ



on 1/22/10 5:35 am - Rocklin, CA
Topic: surgery date
My new insurance Health Net approved my surgery!!! Praise the Lord!  MY surgery date is February  17th, next month, can you believe it.  Thanks for your support and encouragement.  Blessings, Mary
on 7/6/09 8:34 am - centereach, NY
Topic: RE: just wanted to say hello
God never ceases to amaze me. What a wonderful message for you and I so got so much from just what you said. I was feeling a little down Saturday and Marylaw had a devotion on her blog about friends and it was exactly what I needed. Thanks for sharing I pray this finds you well and God bless you.

In Christ



Chris B.
on 7/5/09 12:49 pm
Topic: RE: just wanted to say hello
Hi Karyn,

Thanks for the forum information.

Had an awesome sermon @ church today-- it was on Luke 10, the Good Samaritan.  I've heard this passage a thousand times, but it had new meaning today.

Our pastor summed it up in three points using:  God's two greatest comandmants .. "love the Lord your God with all heart ... and "love your neighbor."   Our pastor summed this up in Living the commandment and Loving others.  The three points are:   Live and Love Courageously, Live and Love compassionately, and Live and love Countercultrally.  I believe that God's compassion for us, the soon to be formerly obese-- is like the Good Samaritan.  He doesn't care who we are, what we've done, what our culture or religion... His only desire is to see us well.  For me... surgery  and this journey is living courageously-- being willing to not care what others think and only follow my heart/ God's desires for me; to have compassion for myself and others, and not to conform to the world.  this surgery isn't about vanity-- it's about health.

Wow!  A great and very timely message.  Isn't it amazing how God continually gives us exactly what we need?

Be well and be blessed!

 Red Butterfly Chris

on 7/5/09 4:05 am - centereach, NY
Topic: RE: just wanted to say hello
Hi Chris I feel the same way. I know this surgery was a divine appointment for me and I am so thankful to God he granted me this journey. I pray this finds you well. Their is a forum the Christianity Forum I have found is a Godsend to me. The people their are such prayer warriors and they have so blessed me. God Bless you

In Christ


