Christian Support Group


on 6/21/10 10:52 pm - Elk, WA
I joined OH 6 years ago as I started on the WL journey.  Although I never got down to the weight I had hoped for, I did lose 155# and was able to get new knees.  I've been just tooling down life's road, happy and thankful. I have had a tough winter though and haven't been able to exercise and have had to sit a lot so I've put on 35 pounds!  Yikes!  I've heard people say that our surgery is a "tool" and it's time to for me to start actively using it.
I would love to find a couple of people who could encourage me and likewise, I might encourage. I have known our Lord for many, many years.  He has proven HIMSELF faithful and merciful and loving.  I'm praying for guidance and that through whatever comes into my life, I lean on and into HIM. 
mary A.
on 10/23/10 2:54 am - new lisbon, WI
Hi! I just joined this group and am looking for new friends to take this journey with.
I am in the process of getting all the pre-op stuff done. My it's a lot but I know it will be worth it. I also know that the Lord will help me every step of the way. He already has by giving me a very supportive husband and family. God is good!
