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What difference does it make?

on 6/23/09 12:32 am - Winfield, KS
Hi, Everyone.
Let's answer this question: What difference does knowing the Lord make in your weight-loss journey?
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
(deactivated member)
on 6/23/09 12:39 am - Bellmawr, NJ
I resisted the idea of WLS all my life. I believe it is God who is leading me here.  I waiver in my faith sometimes because I am nervous about the insurance and the scheduling and everything, but God is making the way for me.

A few years ago I was at this beautiful spot in NY with my family and I couldn't make the walk through the grove of trees so they went ahead. I sat on a bench and prayed and God led me to know that I would return here and walk through those trees and that I would overcome the weight. I didn't understand how this could be, but I believed.

As I was completing law school I applied for clerkships. I was a pretty good candidate and had so many people praying for me to get a job, but I didnt.  I was angry and hurt at first, but then I hit on what I really want to do and they told me they couldnt hire before I passed the bar. The bar results come out in November.  That means I have from the end of July to November before I have a shot at working as a lawyer really.  God made it clear to me that this time was carved out for me to have this surgery, that this was the way He was going to make it happen.

So even though I am a total control freak I am making an effort to have faith and wait on Him. He is slowly teaching me that He has had it all figured out all along and I should just relax, but I am a slow learner!
on 6/29/09 10:26 am - centereach, NY
This whole journey was such a divine appointment for me. God has been  in every aspect of this journey and if He was not it would not have been the way it was. This has not always been easy but so much better and more fullfilling because I am doin it because of Him. If I was not obediant, and following Him and having Him lead my life I would not be healthy. He has mad all of this possible for me and I can not thank Him enough. Also the wonderful people of God I have met on this webiste has been a God send literally to me. I have also been able to incorporate this journey into my testimony and have been able to show other people what following God can do for them. I could go on forever and ever but I won't. I thank God everyday for my WLS and would not change anything for the world.

In Christ



on 5/7/10 4:18 pm
Yes I believe that God is very supportive of his children who want to lose weight.  I believe that he send us supporters to help us along the path of our entire life.  God wants his temples to be healthy.  We get help sometimes from the most unexpected places, and at the most unexpected times.  We just need to be attentive to see what God is trying to tell us at the apropriate time.
             Jesus is The Answer!
     "Even a long, dangerous journey can be faced confidently when God is leading the expidition."--unknown                  
