Christian Support Group

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just wanted to say hello

on 6/17/09 9:21 pm - centereach, NY

Hi new to this group. I am always looking for other christians on this website and want to soak up as much as I can from other people about how they love God. Thanks for starting the group and may God bless you

In Christ



(deactivated member)
on 6/23/09 12:40 am - Bellmawr, NJ
hi Karyn! Nice to meet you!
on 6/29/09 10:29 am - centereach, NY
Hi Lynda so nice to meet you. So sorry getting back to you so late, but I was spenidng time with my niece and nephew, my second favorite thing in the world to do. I pray this finds you well. I also pray that God is keeping you and covering you through this journey. God Bless you

In Christ



Chris B.
on 7/4/09 10:40 am
Hi Karyn,

I'm new too!  I'm so grateful to find a forum where I can share my progress-- and give God the Glory!

Looking forward to chatting with ya~

 Red Butterfly Chris

on 7/5/09 4:05 am - centereach, NY
Hi Chris I feel the same way. I know this surgery was a divine appointment for me and I am so thankful to God he granted me this journey. I pray this finds you well. Their is a forum the Christianity Forum I have found is a Godsend to me. The people their are such prayer warriors and they have so blessed me. God Bless you

In Christ



Chris B.
on 7/5/09 12:49 pm
Hi Karyn,

Thanks for the forum information.

Had an awesome sermon @ church today-- it was on Luke 10, the Good Samaritan.  I've heard this passage a thousand times, but it had new meaning today.

Our pastor summed it up in three points using:  God's two greatest comandmants .. "love the Lord your God with all heart ... and "love your neighbor."   Our pastor summed this up in Living the commandment and Loving others.  The three points are:   Live and Love Courageously, Live and Love compassionately, and Live and love Countercultrally.  I believe that God's compassion for us, the soon to be formerly obese-- is like the Good Samaritan.  He doesn't care who we are, what we've done, what our culture or religion... His only desire is to see us well.  For me... surgery  and this journey is living courageously-- being willing to not care what others think and only follow my heart/ God's desires for me; to have compassion for myself and others, and not to conform to the world.  this surgery isn't about vanity-- it's about health.

Wow!  A great and very timely message.  Isn't it amazing how God continually gives us exactly what we need?

Be well and be blessed!

 Red Butterfly Chris

on 7/6/09 8:34 am - centereach, NY
God never ceases to amaze me. What a wonderful message for you and I so got so much from just what you said. I was feeling a little down Saturday and Marylaw had a devotion on her blog about friends and it was exactly what I needed. Thanks for sharing I pray this finds you well and God bless you.

In Christ



on 5/7/10 4:39 pm
I too was looking for a christian group to be a part of.  I myself am not going to have WLS only cause I myself don't like the possible risks invoved with it.  But I want ot loose weight via better eating habits and exercise.
             Jesus is The Answer!
     "Even a long, dangerous journey can be faced confidently when God is leading the expidition."--unknown                  
