March 2011 Sleevers


Welcome to all who are having the Vertical Sleeve Gastectomy (VSG) procedure performed in March 2011!

General Information

Location: ,
Group Created: Feb 18, 2011
Members: 66
12 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
over a year later - I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying healthy, happy lives. I am checking in to share my progress and re-commit myself. My starting weight was 315 and I went into surg...
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
Hi - We are a year out now.  how are we all doing I am well going to the gym lots and now at least I can do it ok not the best but ok..... Have had to have an op on my eye during the...
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago

February 20, 2011 10:01 am
I've added a couple links in the "Links" section of the for MrsClaus09's blog and one that has a bunch of really good recipes. I'll add more as I find them, but please feel free to do the ...
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Discussion Forum
February 20, 2011 9:54 am

Make sure to click on the "Discussion" section of this group. I think that's where we're really going to get this group going. I'd love it if everyone would use this area to add tips, product reviews...
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List of Surgery...
February 20, 2011 9:52 am
Tracy has created a wonderful list of everyone's surgery dates in the Discussion session. So if you're new, please make sure you reply in that thread with your date so that we can add you to the list.
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