March 2011 Sleevers
Recent Posts
on 3/5/11 8:39 am
on 3/5/11 8:39 am
Topic: RE: Post Op Day 3
Wow! What a week you've had! Glad it's all over now. Now on to the healing process. Hope you continue to feel well (of course that is a relative term, isn't it!)
on 3/5/11 8:36 am
on 3/5/11 8:36 am
Topic: RE: 2 days out
Glad to hear you are doing well. Hope things continue to go smoothly for you.
on 3/5/11 8:07 am
on 3/5/11 8:07 am
Topic: RE: I'm baaaack!
Glad to hear from you. Sorry you had so much pain and the nausea. Hopefully you will be up and around real soon.
on 3/5/11 8:03 am
on 3/5/11 8:03 am
Topic: RE: Finally feel up to posting
Glad to hear that things went well. Just 3 more days for me and I'll know for myself.
Hope you feel good and strong.
Hope you feel good and strong.
Topic: RE: Finally feel up to posting
Glad to hear you are doing -better. They say no pain no gain. I sure hope for the no gain lol. Keep going tin the right direction.I am just amazed with the total taste things.What is it they say sip walk rest repeat keep going girl.
Topic: RE: I'm baaaack!
Glad you are feeling better,I am scheduled the 10th I appreciate the honest eval. Now I know that it will be hell but I will survive.Get to feeling better soon!
Topic: Finally feel up to posting
Well group, I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to check in. Today is the first day that I feel like sitting up and typing. Everything went very well on Wednesday, and I came home yesterday morning. My surgeon was very pleased with how my sleeve turned out. In his words, "It's perfect".
I had no nausea, mild pain, but now the gas is tearing me up. That's the only complaint I have about this surgery. I'm still dragging around this onQ pain ball, but that should be ready to take out tomorrow. I'm really tired of taking my "purse" everywhere I go.
The first day after surgery I felt good. I was up walking around, chatting with other patients, and talking with friends and family on the phone. Yesterday, I felt like I had been hit by a bus! What a difference a day makes. When I got home yesterday morning, I just climbed into my warm, comfy bed and slept.
Today, I'm up and moving about much more. I did walk yesterday, but today I'm doing more and drinking more. I still can't stand the taste of broth, and my sugar-free popsicles are waaay too sweet. I'm just sipping on water and sugar-free Wyler's peach tea. I need to go downstairs and take my vitamins when I get off of here.
I hope everyone *****cently had surgery is doing well. I will get back on later to catch up with everyone's post-op stories.
I had no nausea, mild pain, but now the gas is tearing me up. That's the only complaint I have about this surgery. I'm still dragging around this onQ pain ball, but that should be ready to take out tomorrow. I'm really tired of taking my "purse" everywhere I go.
The first day after surgery I felt good. I was up walking around, chatting with other patients, and talking with friends and family on the phone. Yesterday, I felt like I had been hit by a bus! What a difference a day makes. When I got home yesterday morning, I just climbed into my warm, comfy bed and slept.
Today, I'm up and moving about much more. I did walk yesterday, but today I'm doing more and drinking more. I still can't stand the taste of broth, and my sugar-free popsicles are waaay too sweet. I'm just sipping on water and sugar-free Wyler's peach tea. I need to go downstairs and take my vitamins when I get off of here.
I hope everyone *****cently had surgery is doing well. I will get back on later to catch up with everyone's post-op stories.
Topic: I'm baaaack!
My surgery was at 12:45 pm on Thursday, and everything was going well. I didn't need a sedative on my way to the operating room, since I wasn't freaked out or anything. I scooted my butt over to the operating table, then breathed in the lovely air that took me to La La Land...
And then I woke up in pain. PAIN! I've never had surgery before, but I thought they would have already had me on pain meds before I woke up. Apparently not. So as soon as I woke up, I let everyone in the vacinity know that I HURT. They just kept dosing me with dilaudid until I shut up. Unfortunatley, I was also really nauseous and kept dry heaving. That did not feel good.
I also had to pee SO bad. They put a bed pan under me, but I can't use a bed pan. If you offered me a million dollars, I couldn't use a bed pan. So I finally convinced the nurse that the pain in my urethra was now rivaling the surgery and can she please let me walk to the bathroom. Ahhh, relief. I walked to and from the bathroom just fine. I did vomit up some blood the first night until we got an anti-nause medicine that finally worked. If you have an option, go for Zofran rather than Reglan. The zofran just works so much better.
Friday came and went in a blur for me. Except for a few minutes here and there, I pretty much just slept. I found out that my mom fell at home Friday morning and broke her hip. She's in surgery right now in a hospital across town. My dad was getting frantic trying to be two places at once, so I told him to just stay with her. I was just sleeping all day anyway, so no need for him to keep traveling back and forth. In fact, I had planned on having lots of visitors before the surgery. After, I just told everybody to stay away. I just didn't feel up to having any visitors. All my friends will come see me at home later in the week.
Today I'm off the iv and drinking small sips of water. Each time I sip, my new stomach clenches. Room temp water feels better than cold. Cold water is a no-no. If I can manage to drink enough water by 5 pm, my doctor will let me go home.
My doctor also fixed a major hiatal hernia while he was in there, so I've got some extra pain from that. My insisions hardly hurt at all. My belly button is the only one that's really sore. Most of my pain is on the inside, especially where the hiatal hernia was. I've been taking liquid Lortab today, and it works great. It doesn't make me as sleepy or loopy as the other stuff did.
Thursday evening was the worst. I'm not gonna lie...the pain was worse than when I was in a major car accident where I totalled my car. And if you had asked me that night, I would have said the decision was crazy and why did I do this to myself. Yesterday I was iffy. Today I'm glad I had the surgery. So it's a process. People kept telling me laproscopic surgery hardly hurts, so I think I didn't have myself psyched up enough for the expected pain level. Pain was my biggest worry, and still not my favorite part of this process. But it's manageable, and I'm dealing.
I have absolutely no interest at all in anything bu****er. They keep bringing broth, popcicles, jello, crystal light...I don't want any of it. And the thought of real food is just so not appealing. That makes me happy!
That's all for right now. Just wanted to let everyone know how I was doing.
My surgery was at 12:45 pm on Thursday, and everything was going well. I didn't need a sedative on my way to the operating room, since I wasn't freaked out or anything. I scooted my butt over to the operating table, then breathed in the lovely air that took me to La La Land...
And then I woke up in pain. PAIN! I've never had surgery before, but I thought they would have already had me on pain meds before I woke up. Apparently not. So as soon as I woke up, I let everyone in the vacinity know that I HURT. They just kept dosing me with dilaudid until I shut up. Unfortunatley, I was also really nauseous and kept dry heaving. That did not feel good.
I also had to pee SO bad. They put a bed pan under me, but I can't use a bed pan. If you offered me a million dollars, I couldn't use a bed pan. So I finally convinced the nurse that the pain in my urethra was now rivaling the surgery and can she please let me walk to the bathroom. Ahhh, relief. I walked to and from the bathroom just fine. I did vomit up some blood the first night until we got an anti-nause medicine that finally worked. If you have an option, go for Zofran rather than Reglan. The zofran just works so much better.
Friday came and went in a blur for me. Except for a few minutes here and there, I pretty much just slept. I found out that my mom fell at home Friday morning and broke her hip. She's in surgery right now in a hospital across town. My dad was getting frantic trying to be two places at once, so I told him to just stay with her. I was just sleeping all day anyway, so no need for him to keep traveling back and forth. In fact, I had planned on having lots of visitors before the surgery. After, I just told everybody to stay away. I just didn't feel up to having any visitors. All my friends will come see me at home later in the week.
Today I'm off the iv and drinking small sips of water. Each time I sip, my new stomach clenches. Room temp water feels better than cold. Cold water is a no-no. If I can manage to drink enough water by 5 pm, my doctor will let me go home.
My doctor also fixed a major hiatal hernia while he was in there, so I've got some extra pain from that. My insisions hardly hurt at all. My belly button is the only one that's really sore. Most of my pain is on the inside, especially where the hiatal hernia was. I've been taking liquid Lortab today, and it works great. It doesn't make me as sleepy or loopy as the other stuff did.
Thursday evening was the worst. I'm not gonna lie...the pain was worse than when I was in a major car accident where I totalled my car. And if you had asked me that night, I would have said the decision was crazy and why did I do this to myself. Yesterday I was iffy. Today I'm glad I had the surgery. So it's a process. People kept telling me laproscopic surgery hardly hurts, so I think I didn't have myself psyched up enough for the expected pain level. Pain was my biggest worry, and still not my favorite part of this process. But it's manageable, and I'm dealing.
I have absolutely no interest at all in anything bu****er. They keep bringing broth, popcicles, jello, crystal light...I don't want any of it. And the thought of real food is just so not appealing. That makes me happy!
That's all for right now. Just wanted to let everyone know how I was doing.
Topic: RE: I Think I am A Baby
So sorry it was so painful for you, Kim! But, happy to hear that it was a false alarm and that you can get your sleeve!!!
Hope the pain subsides soon!
Hope the pain subsides soon!
My journey: w/ March 2011 Sleevers List
"Sleeve Santa Sleeve!"
HW: 309 ~ PreOpW: 306 ~ SW: 293 ~ CW: 184
"Sleeve Santa Sleeve!"
HW: 309 ~ PreOpW: 306 ~ SW: 293 ~ CW: 184