March 2011 Sleevers
Day 2 post-op
Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for the warm wishes and kind thoughts!
Well, it has been 2 days since surgery and I can tell you it was quite the experience so far. First let me start off by telling you mother nature is a "you know what"! People, I have PCOS and Endometrial Hyperplasia. I haven't had a "cycle" for more than 4 months and what do you think happens? Yep, day of surgery Aunt Flo is knocking on my door. Can you believe the nerve?
So after the fun of that fades away, I am taken for an xray. Then I go back to my room and the nurses start trying to take some blood and put me on an IV. I guess my veins were in the mood for some hide and seek and they won. The poor nurses tried 6 times in 4 places, not to mention looked up and down my arms trying just to find a vein. The 6 times they tried resulted in a "blown up" vein. Never knew what that was until that day. They were able to at least get some blood out of me for tests before some of the veins blew. They finally gave up on the IV and I was told they would be put in at the OR. I also gave a urine sample somewhere in there.
So I talk to Dr. Kelly, then Trish, and then the Cardiologist who checked me out and asked a lot of questions. I was the first surgery to be done that day so they took me to the OR. OK, so I never had surgery before so don't know if this is normal, but on the short trip to the OR I changed beds like 4 times. Are they trying to wear me out before I get there?
In the OR I remember geting some "tags" stuck to my body, some fancy footwear put on my feet, and one of the OR nurses cleaning my wrist for an IV. Yep, that's it here folks.
Next thing I know I am waking up in my room. For anyone who hasn't had any surgery before this, it really is an unpleasant experience. This is the part of my surgery I call HELL. I never had surgery before and hope I never have again. Waking up from anesthisia sucks royally. But the good news really does get a lot better within a few hours. But I will not lie, those first few hours are extremely difficult, at least it was for me. The pain is horrible and it is mainly gas pain. It is different for everyone. I have even read that some experienced very little gas pain; lucky them. Mine was really bad; went all the way into my left shoulder. I felt like I wa**** by a car. At first I was a little confused and had a very hard time moving. Once I was medicated and calmed, I think I took a short nap and then got up to walk. All I could remember is walk, walk, walk from these forums so I walked as soon as I felt like I could hold my weight up. It was at this time I also noticed 2 IV ports; one in each wrist. They had such a hard time getting to a vain they decided to put a port in each wrist, just in case 1 would blow, which it did. In fact they both did eventually and they had to find another spot for my IV!
I was lucky in the fact that I did not have to throw up at all. I had very little nausea but they gave me meds for that regularly and I never got sick. I am thankful for that because I could hear someone in the hallway get sick and it sounded painful.
I can remember reading a post titled "what did I do to myself" not too long ago. It was about the first few hours of this person coming out of surgery. I'm not gonna lie, the same thought crossed my mind. I even thought of that post! But within 6 hours I could notice a considreable change in how I felt. The first 24 hours are the hardest, but after the first 6 hours you do notice you are getting better and you will realize you are glad you did it.
So the first day I got up and walked twice I think. My surgery was at 3pm so not a lot of time for walking. My second day I walked 4-5 times and for a bit longer; if you can do it more then you should. During this time the ice chips are your new best friend in the whole wide world!
So the morning of my hospital release is here and Dr Kelly comes in and removes the drain. Now I hear a lot of complaining about the drain but it didn't bother me one bit, except when I had to use the restroom, then it was just in the way. But it did hurt a little bit coming out. Dr Kelly told me to take a deep breath and hold it and he pulled it out real quick but for that second it hurt. But as soon as it's out you're fine.
Once I am released I am taken to another hospital to do another drain test. People often complain about the taste; it's not yummy, but it is tolerable. No leaks for me, Yippie!
It was on the ride to the other hospital that made me understand why so many people recommend a pillow for the ride home. If you are able, you should take it into consideration. It really is uncomfortable riding on any little bump so soon after surgery. Not really painful, but very uncomfortable.
So I am now at my hotel. Took a short nap but I am finding it a little uncomfortable to sleep on this bed. At the hospital I slept on my back with my upper body raised a little. I don't have that luxery here and I can't sleep flat on my back. My room has 3 pillows and I asked for 3 more. This afternoon I tried to make my own hospital bed but it just wasn't working out so I ended up on my side. I was told it is perfectly safe but it was slightly uncomfortable.
So far I have only had Gatorade and water. I am considering some broth now, but when I first arrived this morning it was out of the question. I just didn't feel like I could handle anything like that yet. I can say I still have some abdominal pain and I think I can still feel a tiny bit of gas moving around in there once in a while, but I feel tons better and am so happy I got it over with!
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about my gallbladder. I used to have severe attacks a couple years ago. I was told I had gallstones but the DR wanted me to lose 50 pounds before surgery. Well by the time I lost enough weight I moved to a new city, lost my insurance and had to start all over with a new Dr. I did have xrays taken before my trip to Tijuana, but my PCP rescheduled my follow up appt twice. I mentioned this to Dr Kelly and he asked if I wanted him to take it out. I am so glad I did because I really don't want to have another surgery anytime soon. He was amazed at the size of my stones. I had 4-5 of them and they were as bis as an avocado seed. They were so bi he couldn't pull my gallbaldder out. He had to open the gallbladder and crush some of the stones to get it out. He said there was also sludge in it. Don't exactly know what that means but I know it isn't good! So my advice is, if you think you may have gallstones, ask your Dr to do an xray to see for sure. If you do, get that sucker taken out during your surgery. You don't want to have 2 separate surgeries if you don't need to.
I hope no one is troubled, worried, or scared by anything I have posted. I really want to be as honest as I can about my own experience. And I am sorry about the length; it's practically a novel!
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask! I'll be seeing the dentist tomorrow morning. I need 3 root canals, 1 extraction, 1 cap, and 2 implants. Simple huh? What better time to do this but when you are already on a clear liquid diet.
Thanks for reading my mini novel! I can't wait to read about all of your experiences as well. I know it will be different for all of us. As long as we have no complications, it will be worth it!
Well, it has been 2 days since surgery and I can tell you it was quite the experience so far. First let me start off by telling you mother nature is a "you know what"! People, I have PCOS and Endometrial Hyperplasia. I haven't had a "cycle" for more than 4 months and what do you think happens? Yep, day of surgery Aunt Flo is knocking on my door. Can you believe the nerve?
So after the fun of that fades away, I am taken for an xray. Then I go back to my room and the nurses start trying to take some blood and put me on an IV. I guess my veins were in the mood for some hide and seek and they won. The poor nurses tried 6 times in 4 places, not to mention looked up and down my arms trying just to find a vein. The 6 times they tried resulted in a "blown up" vein. Never knew what that was until that day. They were able to at least get some blood out of me for tests before some of the veins blew. They finally gave up on the IV and I was told they would be put in at the OR. I also gave a urine sample somewhere in there.
So I talk to Dr. Kelly, then Trish, and then the Cardiologist who checked me out and asked a lot of questions. I was the first surgery to be done that day so they took me to the OR. OK, so I never had surgery before so don't know if this is normal, but on the short trip to the OR I changed beds like 4 times. Are they trying to wear me out before I get there?
In the OR I remember geting some "tags" stuck to my body, some fancy footwear put on my feet, and one of the OR nurses cleaning my wrist for an IV. Yep, that's it here folks.
Next thing I know I am waking up in my room. For anyone who hasn't had any surgery before this, it really is an unpleasant experience. This is the part of my surgery I call HELL. I never had surgery before and hope I never have again. Waking up from anesthisia sucks royally. But the good news really does get a lot better within a few hours. But I will not lie, those first few hours are extremely difficult, at least it was for me. The pain is horrible and it is mainly gas pain. It is different for everyone. I have even read that some experienced very little gas pain; lucky them. Mine was really bad; went all the way into my left shoulder. I felt like I wa**** by a car. At first I was a little confused and had a very hard time moving. Once I was medicated and calmed, I think I took a short nap and then got up to walk. All I could remember is walk, walk, walk from these forums so I walked as soon as I felt like I could hold my weight up. It was at this time I also noticed 2 IV ports; one in each wrist. They had such a hard time getting to a vain they decided to put a port in each wrist, just in case 1 would blow, which it did. In fact they both did eventually and they had to find another spot for my IV!
I was lucky in the fact that I did not have to throw up at all. I had very little nausea but they gave me meds for that regularly and I never got sick. I am thankful for that because I could hear someone in the hallway get sick and it sounded painful.
I can remember reading a post titled "what did I do to myself" not too long ago. It was about the first few hours of this person coming out of surgery. I'm not gonna lie, the same thought crossed my mind. I even thought of that post! But within 6 hours I could notice a considreable change in how I felt. The first 24 hours are the hardest, but after the first 6 hours you do notice you are getting better and you will realize you are glad you did it.
So the first day I got up and walked twice I think. My surgery was at 3pm so not a lot of time for walking. My second day I walked 4-5 times and for a bit longer; if you can do it more then you should. During this time the ice chips are your new best friend in the whole wide world!
So the morning of my hospital release is here and Dr Kelly comes in and removes the drain. Now I hear a lot of complaining about the drain but it didn't bother me one bit, except when I had to use the restroom, then it was just in the way. But it did hurt a little bit coming out. Dr Kelly told me to take a deep breath and hold it and he pulled it out real quick but for that second it hurt. But as soon as it's out you're fine.
Once I am released I am taken to another hospital to do another drain test. People often complain about the taste; it's not yummy, but it is tolerable. No leaks for me, Yippie!
It was on the ride to the other hospital that made me understand why so many people recommend a pillow for the ride home. If you are able, you should take it into consideration. It really is uncomfortable riding on any little bump so soon after surgery. Not really painful, but very uncomfortable.
So I am now at my hotel. Took a short nap but I am finding it a little uncomfortable to sleep on this bed. At the hospital I slept on my back with my upper body raised a little. I don't have that luxery here and I can't sleep flat on my back. My room has 3 pillows and I asked for 3 more. This afternoon I tried to make my own hospital bed but it just wasn't working out so I ended up on my side. I was told it is perfectly safe but it was slightly uncomfortable.
So far I have only had Gatorade and water. I am considering some broth now, but when I first arrived this morning it was out of the question. I just didn't feel like I could handle anything like that yet. I can say I still have some abdominal pain and I think I can still feel a tiny bit of gas moving around in there once in a while, but I feel tons better and am so happy I got it over with!
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about my gallbladder. I used to have severe attacks a couple years ago. I was told I had gallstones but the DR wanted me to lose 50 pounds before surgery. Well by the time I lost enough weight I moved to a new city, lost my insurance and had to start all over with a new Dr. I did have xrays taken before my trip to Tijuana, but my PCP rescheduled my follow up appt twice. I mentioned this to Dr Kelly and he asked if I wanted him to take it out. I am so glad I did because I really don't want to have another surgery anytime soon. He was amazed at the size of my stones. I had 4-5 of them and they were as bis as an avocado seed. They were so bi he couldn't pull my gallbaldder out. He had to open the gallbladder and crush some of the stones to get it out. He said there was also sludge in it. Don't exactly know what that means but I know it isn't good! So my advice is, if you think you may have gallstones, ask your Dr to do an xray to see for sure. If you do, get that sucker taken out during your surgery. You don't want to have 2 separate surgeries if you don't need to.
I hope no one is troubled, worried, or scared by anything I have posted. I really want to be as honest as I can about my own experience. And I am sorry about the length; it's practically a novel!
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask! I'll be seeing the dentist tomorrow morning. I need 3 root canals, 1 extraction, 1 cap, and 2 implants. Simple huh? What better time to do this but when you are already on a clear liquid diet.
Thanks for reading my mini novel! I can't wait to read about all of your experiences as well. I know it will be different for all of us. As long as we have no complications, it will be worth it!
Glad to hear that everything went well with you. I have five days left before my surgery. I am getting nervous, scared, and anxious. For the first time last night, I thought, am doing the right thing by having surgery? but after reading your post I know it is the right thing to do.
I'm glad you mentioned a pillow for after surgery. I need to remember to bring one with me for the trip home.
Glad to hear that everything went well with you. I have five days left before my surgery. I am getting nervous, scared, and anxious. For the first time last night, I thought, am doing the right thing by having surgery? but after reading your post I know it is the right thing to do.
I'm glad you mentioned a pillow for after surgery. I need to remember to bring one with me for the trip home.
I am SOOO happy you posted all of this and even more happy to hear that you are doing so well!!! Congrats on getting your sleeve!! Sending good thoughts that you feel better each and every day!!!!
My journey: w/ March 2011 Sleevers List
"Sleeve Santa Sleeve!"
HW: 309 ~ PreOpW: 306 ~ SW: 293 ~ CW: 184
"Sleeve Santa Sleeve!"
HW: 309 ~ PreOpW: 306 ~ SW: 293 ~ CW: 184
