Dr. Lee Trotter

Groups » Dr. Lee Trotter » Group Updates
13 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
15 Years Ago
Snacking - So how is everyone doing?  I will be 4 months post op on the 15th.  Its hard to believe all the changes that have happened in the last 6 months.  My wife has been doing awesome and...
15 Years Ago
Goals - I have 2 primary goals right now, both having to do with fitness.  The first is to be able to do Bloomsday beginning of May - it is a 7.46 mi walk.  The second is to be able to do ...
15 Years Ago
Feburary support group in Rapid City - Well unfortunetly the wife and I didnt make it to the support group.  I was discharged from the hospital that morning so just stayed home.  What they did discuss was goals.  Please...
15 Years Ago
Back from the hospital - I just got home from having my RNY on Monday.   The only complication so far is that my hands went numb.  My right hand has mostly come out of it but left hand is still coming out.
15 Years Ago
15 Years Ago
15 Years Ago
Whats your favorite recipe postop? - My wife is a month out from RNY and Im having surgery on Feb 15th.  Does anyone have recipe's that they have been using postop.
15 Years Ago

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