Losers for Lent

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MSW will not settle
on 2/22/10 2:37 am
Topic: RE: I've slipped but I can get back up
Nothing is right for everyone.  Since addicts largely live and die with their addictions, I think its a worthwhile resource for many.  A therapist is not an option for a lot of us.  OA and other 12 step programs fill a void inspite of their imperfections. 

I went to one f2f OA meeting over 20 years ago.  It was in and out.  I found it a group of pathetic whiners and could not get with the concept of having no control.  I don't understand your comment about monastic rule.  However, with some guidance, I've taken their generic higher power concept and adapted to Catholicism .  

I still don't "get it".  I have not worked the steps.  However, the meetings keep me cognizant of my behavior.  The shares I once called whining remind me that other screwed up people are also there trying.  Despite the fact that many are smo, they are working on their behavior. 

I don't know if it will be of long term value for me but right now its a resource.  I hope we both find the long term answer to managing any dysfunctional food related behaviors we deal with. 
Mr. Incredible
on 2/22/10 1:40 am, edited 2/22/10 3:28 am - Canada
Topic: Is it a 'Happy Monday'?
Where to begin....

For those of you that survived the weekend without any serious complications- you are all Olympic Champions!!  .

For the rest of us on the Ethiopian Bobsled Team- well.... we still need some more work- and practice.

I guess we all need a reality check in what's important. As important as weight loss is, I can't think of anything more important to me then my kids.  For those of you who don't know- last week a 'floating school' sunk off the coast of Brazil.   The Schooner based out of Halifax was full of high school students from Canada.  Much to every-ones pleasure- and surprise all 64 students and staff was rescued Friday and Saturday.    I was listening this morning to one of the fathers being interviewed when a plane full of rescued students arrived back in Canada.  I had to chuckle because I would have the same attitude when he said that the first thing he said to his 16 year old daughter was "I love you and you won't be out of my sight till your at least 40!".   I can't imagine the horror those families have gone through .. waiting.. when they heard that the emergency beacon was activated and it appeared the ship sank.

Anyway- back on topic- No excuses- I wuz a bad boy!  Interesting weekend - My youngest turned 8 this weekend, and it was also his first confession!  I don't know- maybe because they are both starting to grow up- a little to fast for my liking.  I was weak.   Anyway- had some bd cake from Dairy Queen (I used the logic it was ice milk- so how bad could it be?)  I did have a small piece of bd cake from McDonald's- during his party yesterday.  My water intake was bad all weekend- I really need to get my life in order- lol.

No excuses- that was yesterday- today is a new day- I will be increasing my fluids and back to very little carbs today... I hope.

We talked a bit about carbs- good vs evil- I think we all agree- we need carbs, but the question is- where do we draw the line.  Fruit- good, but banana's bad?  Why?  It has potassium, right?  How bad can it be? Veggies- the same thing.

I think it's great that many of you are posting- and commenting- please don't stop.  I think it's important for us to be held accountable for our mistakes and we 'fall off the wagon' so to speak.  It's more important that we are able to move on, get past the mistakes and think about today- and the long term goal.  I would rather be held accountable to you guys, then - umm.. well... umm.. my scale.  You guys are far more forgiving.. I hope- lol.

Just curious- what are your long term goals?  Really?  For those of you that have reached the idea weight- was it what like you thought it would be?  I know this battle, this addiction never really goes away- we are stuck with it, hence the fighting the battle- one day at a time.
   Is anyone creating a goal for themselves, weight wise during this little quasi-social experiment of ours?  If so- how much do you hope to lose?
PATS- September 30th 2009
Surgery- October 14th, 2009
orignall goal-200lbs new goal 185'
August 2011-  182- umm.. now what?
The past is the past and can never be changed, but the future is what ever you want it to be.

on 2/21/10 11:47 pm - Cambridge, MD
Made it through the weekend.  Not without a little hiccup, but I will get through it as today is a new day.  Weekends with the family are the most difficut for me and this weekend was especially difficult because we had plans and I was hardly home at all, but here's how it went.


B - Coffee

L - salad w/ egg, ham and honey mustard dressing.

D - 1/2 of a hot dog and 1/3 of an order of fries at the Civic Center

S - Apple slices with a spoon of P/B.

NO EVIL sweets!!  Granddaughter had a cookies and cream chocolate bar and I asked her not to eat it in front of me (and she didn't).

Lisa Z.

When we believe, all things are possible!

on 2/21/10 10:40 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Good Morning,

Did fairly well went  out to Texas Roadhouse and B4 I knew, I had eaten at least a cup plus of the peanuts as I waited. I was upset at my self but decided to go on with my plans and continue with the diet
I had:
smothered chicken breast was smothered with cheese Mushrooms and onions I ate only half the portion and i had toss salad minus the tomatoes

My plans today are to stay on hi protein I have not addedany carbs yet
I do drink a protein supp has 4 gms of carb 4 to 5 times a day

Any suggestions are appreciated...

on 2/21/10 10:36 pm - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: RE: I've slipped but I can get back up
OA doesn't work for me.  I was in OA for 20 years and gained 300 lbs.  I'd become abstinate and become a food sponsor and then have to give that up when I slipped.  I did extensive step work and became a step sponsor and it all fell apart.  It migh have been problems with my mental condition.

Overall, I don't believe in all 12 steps of a 12 step program.  they are based on a monastic rule from the 5th century and probably work well in a monastery.  They've had limited success in treating addictions.  My shrinks over the years have told me they're only successful about 35% of the time.  They pointed out that that may be due to the insidiousness of addictions or to people simply not sticking with the programs.   

I don't knock OA.  I do know that it works for some people.  Even though I don't follow all 12 steps, I agree with the 1st 3 steps whenever I want to get honest with myself about my eating.
Mr. Incredible
on 2/21/10 10:25 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Hi! I had the same idea!!..lol
Welcome to the group Kim- you are correct... great minds think alike.. lol.

I know we all can use each other's moral support... atleast I know I do!
PATS- September 30th 2009
Surgery- October 14th, 2009
orignall goal-200lbs new goal 185'
August 2011-  182- umm.. now what?
The past is the past and can never be changed, but the future is what ever you want it to be.

(deactivated member)
on 2/21/10 10:00 pm - Middle River, MD
So, how'd everyone do?  Weekends are SO tough.  Not that I'd want to work 7 days a week, but working DOES give me a routine.  I need to work on my weekends.


B - Protein bar

S - 2 hardboiled egg whites

L - Ham/cheese roll-ups
     Cheese crisps

D - Baked ham
      Green beans

S - Pepperoni/cheese crisps


B - Greek yogurt with pbj/granola

S - 2 hardboiled egg whites

L - Baked chicken
     Green beans

S - Cheese crisps, protein bar, banana (NOT all 3!!!)

Anyone have any good recipes to share?  I made the pepperoni crisps by laying turkey pepperoni on a paper towel-lined plate and nuking them for about a minute.  Cheese crisps - Shredded parm cheese, mixed with garlic salt and Italian seasoning - Make mounds out of 1-1/2 tsp. of mixture on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.  Watch carefully so they don't burn!!!

Have a great day!

MSW will not settle
on 2/21/10 10:50 am
Topic: RE: I've slipped but I can get back up
Overeaters Anonymous is a great resource.  Check out the link in my siggy line.  Here we may ackowledge our insanity in a safe and confidential enviornment.  You may find it helpful. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 2/21/10 5:13 am - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: I've slipped but I can get back up
I keep trying to be abstinate from addicting food but I slip frequently.  I accept my condition and resolve to do better.  This has been going on for a long time.  However, with my mental illnessof being manic-depressive, I sometimes have to decide whether to allow myself a small portion of a problem food or going crazy avoiding it.  I do exhibit crazy behavior at times such as literally banging my head against a wall; I know it doesn't accomplish anything and it hurts.  Sometimes making the effort to stay clean depresses me despite my meds.

I remember the freedom I felt last year when I had 4.5  months of abstinence from addicting food.  I lost 50 lbs over that period of time.  However, I lost a few more lbs through Oct.  I gained 3.5 lbs over the holidays.  I get weighed once a month and just found that I lost 4 lbs since 01-08.  Things aren't as bad as they could be.

I learned a lot last year from the Beck's Diet Solution, and I'm slowly reviewing it on the Hunger and Food Troubles Forum.  Even though I make mistakes, I can help others when I see where they are in the Becks Group.  Note:  you won't get to that group if you enter it as Beck's .   Don't put in an apostrophe.

I just had to post this time to be honest with you.  I won't post every slip, but I don't want to appear to be living a clean program when I am not.
MSW will not settle
on 2/21/10 1:05 am
Topic: RE: Hi! I had the same idea!!..lol
I agree with the filling up faster without the carbs.  Over the last six months I average around 40g of carbs a day.  On the really low carb days I'm sated.  On the high carb days I'm a bottomless pit unless I eat them with dense protein. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


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