Losers for Lent
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Workout is usually six days cardio and strength. Min 1 hour continous cardio at 70-85% max heart rate (interval training). Type varies: running, stair master, elliptical, stationary bike. Strength, I alternate days for weights (free or machine) and calisthetics/ mat work (push ups, crunches, leg lifts, planks, etc, etc). I'm pretty consistent. I'm 48 and I've been at it since 13.
I also do yoga, pilates and belly dancing for variety and flexibility. Exercise is the eay part for me. I just kept doing what I'd been doing. I was back in the gym about ten days post op with my surgeon's blessing. He hands out exercises to be done post op from the hospital bed. He has had rny too so he knows what we go through and what we are capable of achieveng.
Lisa my dear, you look barely old enough to have children, never mind grandchildren!!
I think it's imperative that we keep on checking labels- because your right, it's easy to become complacent. The other thing is be careful when you do read them.. lol- for example- (from personal experience)- if you look at something like M&M's- it usually tell you that it's for 15 pieces.. so- it's easy to say to ourselves 'well- that's for 15, I can cut everything down by two-thirds if I only have 5 pieces....' Bad is bad is bad..lol. I find the other thing you have to be careful of is the 100 calorie treats- sounds good... but in reality a slippery slope to go down- once you start- you can't stop.
You lost 8lbs in 5 days??? THAT IS AWESOME!! Keep it up!
I understand how you feel about your children. I am a grandmother, currently taking care of 3 of hers and glad to see that they are with me! That being said, I did get past Friday and the chocolate and pizza thing. Ironically, tomorrow is my grandson's 5th birthday and made the trek to our local grocery store for lunch to buy cupcakes for his classmates tomorrow (school won't let you bring in anything homemade anymore). But, while I was there I refrained from buying anything "bad" for me. I started again, looking at labels and really being aware of the things that I bought. This has changed over the past two years for me. When I first had surgery, I looked at the content of everything, then as time wore on, it became less and less important. I guess, everyone was telling me how "great" I looked and I was believing it. I not only started eating more, but I started eating things that, let's just say, weren't on the list of approved items. I lost "me" again. I had done something, for once, just for me ~ this fantastic thing called RNY, but now I was letting myself fall into patterns that were okay with everyone else. So, that being said, I am getting more selfish now, and I am working for me during this time. I have set some goals, and here they are:
Long term goal: 160 lbs
Goal for this "social experiment": to lose 30 lbs
Current weight: 205.5
Starting weight (last Wednesday): 213.5
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
Example (using me):
280 HW - 150 (ideal chart weight) = 130
130 X 70% = 91
280 - 91 = 189
I'm aiming for 165... so hoping to lose 115 lbs in total...I'M getting there.
I'm happy to know that all the kids on that ship are ok...it's amazing! My boys are the most important part of my life. They mean the world to me :D
In the year since my surgery my diet has always been under control. A treat or high cal day is balacesd against exercise and low cal days, usually in advance. Nevertheless, I am a persistent weight gainer despite rny.
I have rapid spurts of uncontrollable gain that are tough to loose. Its real fat, no****er flux. I've been repeatedly told by doctors its just the way I'm made. Then I further complicate that with meds I will need for life that cause weight gain, big sigh. Nutritionist have been useless. Doctors say I'm doing ok despite my challenges. This is just not good enough and makes it hard to stay motivated.
So good carbs vs bad? For me bad is anything that works against my weight loss. Any fruit is evil even in moderation if I am in a gaining cycle. When I'm loosing, a post workout banana is a good carb. I find high fiber and low digestible carb foods like dreamfields pasta do not impact my weight as much as fruit and higher carb veg like corn.
My weight loss in impossible to predict. I want to loose this last 20 lbs. However, sticking to plan and exercising like a county lock up prisoner, I've only lost 8 lbs in six months because of weight regain. Even without the regain I could not loose 20 lbs in six months. Very frustrating. If you do the math, I should have made goal long before Thanksgiving.
I'm going back on thyroid meds this month. Perhaps then I will loose a consistent two pounds a week. One can still hope.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous