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H.A.L.A B.
on 2/23/10 6:43 am
Topic: RE: Monday was rough- Tuesday has to be better!
Tia - the closest to Reese's PB cups - is IMO - the Atkins Advantage Chocolate Peanut butter bar.  They are everywhere - even in CVS here in SC.  Try some - if you have not yet. 

I also love the Power Crunch (all of them) and I eat them - but the Atkins bars beside tasting fantastic have only 1 g sugars, 10 gr fiber, and - even 21 months post op - one of them  - is a very satisfying meal - that keeps me full for a while.    

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

H.A.L.A B.
on 2/23/10 6:39 am
Topic: RE: Monday was rough- Tuesday has to be better!

If you think you have a problem - think this - every time I buy the NSA (not SF) Fidgesickles - I eat them all...  yes I do - within 12-18 hrs they are all gone.  I do not eat anything els e- until they are gone... That is problem. 

So - I only but them no more than 1 time a month.  And only if my weight is low or in a low side of my range... It is horrible... I just can not stop eating them if they are in the house.  
That what addiction look like...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

MSW will not settle
on 2/23/10 1:43 am, edited 2/23/10 1:48 am
Topic: RE: I'm redefining abstinence for myself
The definition of abstinence is one of the hardest things for me to come to terms with because it is ever evolving. Nothing works for me consistantly. I can eat the same way day after day and be fine but my body demands a shift every few weeks or I stop loosing and start gaining. Fortunately there are many ways to skin this cat.

This week abstinence is bringing carbs down daily until I hit ketosis then staying there until it no longer works for me. Its taken a year to accept that I am a metabolic problem child, but I'm working on it.

When defining abstenence for yourself, know what the problem is first. Then understand what can help, why it can help, and how to execute it. Last, know when the problem and/ or solution need to be re assessed.

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 2/23/10 1:28 am - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: I'm redefining abstinence for myself
Someone posted on one of the forums asking for my definition of abstinence.  I had to think about that for a while before I could answer here.  This is my basic answer.

When I was abstinate using the Beck's Diet Solution, I was totally free from sugar, refined white carbs, and junk food including ice cream.  It was liberating but it was also a bit excessive because I am honestly not addicted to white flour.  I can eat a dinner roll and not spur on desire for more carbs.  I rarely have them.  I simply don't even like white bread nor white cake.

As I do come accross foods that do turn me on, I learn to put them on my mental list of foods to avoid.  Some foods are strange.  For example, there are some foods that I can eat just a small portion without them triggering my addiction.  I know from experience what those amounts are.  I've been dealing with my food addiction for over 30 years and I do know what works for me.  I just have to be true to myself. 

MSW will not settle
on 2/23/10 1:23 am, edited 2/23/10 1:26 am
Topic: RE: Is it a 'Happy Monday'?
You need cardio and strength to get started.� If you've never exercised start with 20 min a day.� Alternate cardio days and strength days six days a week.

No gym required.� You can ge a good start from a beginner's Leslie Sansone walking dvd or the couch-2-5k program online (you can even run in place in doors).�� Crunches, straight, reverse, clamshell types; push ups, modified types; squats; donkey kicks; planks etc.� All are easy to find online and in magazines like Self and Prevention.�

Once you're comfortable, add five minutes a wee****il you are doing 60 min cardio straight at 70% of your peak heart rate.� You should be breaking a sweat.� You can also add an easy free weight program like The Body Sculpting Bible (men and women's versions).� Great results and fast.

Before you know it you'll be doing cardio and strength daily either back to back or split morning and evening.� Of course I'm assuming you have no health issues that preclude working out.�

My surgeon wants us to stretch daily.� Its a good way to start getting down on the floor and moving.� If you don't do anything else, start with stretching.� It will inspire you to get moving.�
MSW will not settle
on 2/23/10 12:57 am, edited 2/23/10 1:00 am
Topic: RE: Monday was rough- Tuesday has to be better!
I ate fine yesterday.� Protein�plus�a little veg.��An ounce or two of nuts and lightly coated�takeout wings were my only straight up carbs.� Calories under 1300, protein just under 100 g.� I'm not counting�the carbs, but they're comming down until I hit ketosis.�

When I want sweets its an Atkins bar.� Usually the daybreak type because they are smaller starting at 120 cal/ 10 carbs.� I also make a quick protein cookie adopted from a reipe I found online.��

A scoop of whey protein; 1tsp smart balance lite; 1tbl splenda.��
Flavored with any of these:
����� unsweetend cocoa powder�
������apple/ pumpkin pie spice
������vanilla/ almond/ lemon/ cinnamon extract
����� add a few drops of water until its�crumbly then kneed together
����� divide into two to four�cookies�
����� microwave about 20-30 seconds

I've played with it to get the texture I want.� Firm dough is crumblier, taffy like dough softer, wetter dough more like a lighter scone.� I even use plain vanilla protein with dried herbs and seasoned salt for a portein 'biscut'.�
I'm no baker but I'm working of perfecting this recipe.� It takes like carbs but its not.�

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


Mr. Incredible
on 2/23/10 12:04 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Monday was rough- Tuesday has to be better!
LOL!!!  If you have a problem, then so do I!!

  yup, you do.

Mr. Incredible
on 2/23/10 12:02 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Monday was rough- Tuesday has to be better!
As Lisa suggested, what about some sf fudgesicles?  or.. sf Popsicles?  The concept is to cut back as much as you can- sometimes we do fall of the wagon- that's just the way it is... what's important is that we get back to the plan.... how are you doing today?
PATS- September 30th 2009
Surgery- October 14th, 2009
orignall goal-200lbs new goal 185'
August 2011-  182- umm.. now what?
The past is the past and can never be changed, but the future is what ever you want it to be.

on 2/22/10 11:52 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Topic: RE: Is it a 'Happy Monday'?
Yes, I wasn't able to keep up the other plans. This one works and I weighed this morning it's now 10#
Mr. Incredible
on 2/22/10 11:52 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Is it a 'Happy Monday'?
You sound like you are doing great!!!  I think getting to ones ideal weight is one thing.. lol- maintaining it is the difficult challenge.

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