Losers for Lent

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H.A.L.A B.
on 3/6/10 12:05 am
Topic: Saturday - how are you guys?
It is a beautiful day here in SC.  My cat is out and she comes home every hr or so to make sure I am still here. I had to get her up this morning - she knew the alarm clock did not ring - so she slept until I had to wake her up (she sleeps on top of me - so I can't move unless she does - lol)
I already had my coffee (2) and protein drink, and the eggbites, and some chocolate.  
The green tea is waiting... I need another 10 min before I can start it. 

I am doing well with my Lent commitment - not losing - and not gaining.  I stay away from simple carbs, the whipped cream, though I am tempted.  Also meatless Fridays and Wednesday night are still OK.  But - I am having problem with that - Fridays I get hungry.  I want meat.  I eat fish, and cheese, and other meatless dishes - but that does not fill me up.  Last night - I was hungry.  I stayed up late (watching a movie) and when the clock showed it was after midnight and already Saturday - I got some cold cuts from the fridge and ate with passion.  Just a few pieces,. but still. I did not care about any other foods, snacks.  Wanted the meat.  How weird. 

I need to make more "dense" food choices in the future for Friday. Or I may not make it.  
I think I will make crab meat egg bites... - that would be nice (I hope) I will let you know how they turn out.  


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/5/10 11:54 pm
Topic: RE: Day 1
Fat is good. Really good. That what keeps me full and allow me to stay away from carbs.
1-2 tsp or nut butter in the morning keeps me so happy. and warm. 

Do not be afriad of fat.  carbs - that is a different story.  IMO We need them - but in moderation and with fiber.  

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/5/10 11:50 pm
Topic: RE: Why can't i do this

Interesting.  I had the same problem in the past - first day - it was OK, but day #2 - the cravings got better of me.  I eventually overcome that. 
I made some "fake" sweet foods, and other not so bad choices to fix the cravings. 
IMO by the day 2 your BS and liver sugar storage are depleted, and if your sugar drops below a certain point - the body freaks out and demands the sugar - simple carbs.

this is what i did:
1. decide why you need to do it - and the duration
2. remove and offending foods from the area you going to be during the most vulnerable time (work, evening)
3. Keep a bottle of water (I use the protein water - and sip all day)
4. if the evenings are difficult - change a routine.  Do not get back home until late.  (go shopping, meet with supportive friends, go for a walk). Then once home - bet busy - drink water, and more water, take a shower or a bath, then - go to bed early - and if needed - take a sleeping pill (benadryl knocks me out every time).
Repeat the routine every day until you are carb detox.
Some of my fake desserts are:
Greek yogurt w/ SF syrup, berries, nuts, flax meal.

FYI _ extra magnesium may help taking care of some of the carbs cravings.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/5/10 9:54 am - Cossayuna, NY
Topic: Day 1
Okay - so I have been on a carb binge for the last week or so. Yup I failed at Loosers for Lent. That's what happens to us nice Jewish girls. Anyway........... I am trying again. Today was nottoo bad for the first day. Here's what I ate along with the calorie, protein and carbs (keep in mind I rarely eat traditional 'breakfst food'):

Breakfast: 1/2 cup clam/shrimp/greek yogurt dip with carrot sticks

Lunch: 1/2 cup egg salad in two large mushrooms

Dinner: 4 oz meatloaf burger (used wrong kind of ground beef, too high in fat/calories - next time I do the shopping!)

Snack: sugar free pudding cup

62 g protein
845 calories
25 carbs
49 g fat

Tomorrow is another day. Will do better on the fat. The calories I did pretty good although I want to try to stay closer to 800, especially since I am currently not doing much in the way of exercising. I meet with my nutritionist Mon. Hopefully my labs are showing some improvement. I have been faithful about the supplements and am starting to feel less run down. I think my carb overloading had something to do with the run down feeling - ya think!

Have a great weekend everyone!

"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."

Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus

on 3/5/10 3:06 am - Cossayuna, NY
Topic: RE: Why can't i do this
I am struggling with the same thing. I can get through day one no problem. Day 2? Forget it. I have a terrible time. 

Today is my day one and it is going well (so far, that is). I have a plan laid out for day two. Here it is:

Plan ahead & stay busy. I am working so I will eat only what I bring with me. Of course it will all be low cal, low carbs. I am hoping that I can stay busy enough in between meals that I will not be tempted by the vending machines. After work I am going out for dinner. That will be tough but I think TGIF serves salads, if not I will improvise. The worst part will be when I get home. I am a night time snacker. Hopefully the fresh veggies & sugar free pudding I bought today will help any craving that comes along.

Day three will be the same as day two, except the eating out. If I can get through this weekend without caving in, then I will make out ok.

Normally I would head for a walk or the gym if I am bored or craving something. But at this point I am not using exercise as an outlet for boredom or anything else for that matter. I am too exhausted from work and low iron. All my energy is used just for functioning. 

Good luck! 

"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."

Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus

MSW will not settle
on 3/4/10 11:29 pm
Topic: RE: Why can't i do this
You can do this.  Some of us have to create a cluster fkcu of it a few times before we get it right.  Refined carbs are not usually my thing for decades now.  Yet somehow post op six months a switch flipped and I want things I haven't eaten in years.  You are not alone here. 

Last night I went out and bought junk food then scarfed it down before midnight since today is fasting for me.  Now how sick is that.  When you screw up, get back on plan immediately.  Stay out of temptation's way.  I had no business carrying my @$$ to the gas station when I knew what would happen.  Would the car have sat sobbing in the gararge if I did not run out for  fill up? 

Get the family into better foods and limit what's in the home. Those evil damned evil Girlscout cookies had to be hidden away from me.  My family is supportive that way.  There are two of us wls folks and I routinely hide or throw out stuff that may tempt the other.

Taste like carbs but its not.  Be creative with protein powder.  I may have three scoops today as I fast.  I "eat" them by making 'cookies' or a light 'muffin' or a 'scone'  with one scoop, a tsp smart balance light, splenda, ff cheese shreds, baking extract, dried herbs, a pinch of salt and or baking powder, unsweetened cocoa powder etc.  A low end plain vanilla like body fortress is adaptable sweet or salt.  Texture depends on batter or dough consistency and the amount/ type of fat used if any. 

I also attend overeaters anonymous meetings.  I swear I don't get a refferal commission but lately many posts reflect what I hear there.  Online meetings occupy me when thinking of food and they are frequent enough to sustain me in between.  A link is in my siggy line.  

Hopefully this gives you some ideas.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


Allison M.
on 3/4/10 9:03 pm - Pickering , Canada
Topic: Why can't i do this
Hi everyone, can someone please offer advise. I can only seem to go one day with out refined carbs. I am looking for suggestions to help me get past day two.

Please any suggestions would be appreciated.

on 3/4/10 2:00 pm - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: RE: I'm still doing addictive eating on a daily basis
I am posting elsewhere on OH.  I'm having problems with my DSL and further problems with the postings on OH.  I keep getting hung up as it goes to post pictures for ads.  I can't afford a faster connection.  My wife's unemployment runs out in mid-May and I've been on retirement since July 1992 due to mental disability.

I've dealt with the food addiction on and off for over 30 years.  I feel that I'm doing what is right for me.  I know my thinking patterns are not "normal", i.e., I rarely have a positive attitude.  I'm hoping the change in meds will help that.  My wife says my biggest problem is that I think too much.  I don't know how to stop thinking other than sleep. 

Thank you all for your concerns, but I didn't post here today without thinking about it.  I'm doing what is best for me.  I just wanted you to know that I wouldn't be posting here on a regular basis. 
Jody ***
on 3/4/10 10:39 am - Brighton, MI
RNY on 10/21/08 with
Topic: RE: Soooooooooo.... how are we doing?
i broke down a few days ago and bought some chips - and proceeded to eat them.  I've vowed to get back on track and the past 2 days have done pretty good. 

My issue is grazing - and I've significantly reduced that at work.  I'm also getting more water and fluids in, which helps.

I'm going to continue.  I'm still up 3 lbs... need to get those off before they become more...

HW-218/SW-208/CW-126/ Lowest Weight-121/Goal-125 - hit 8/23/09/Height-5'3"

Regain 30 lbs from 2012 to 2016 - got back on track and lost it.  Took 8 months. 
90+/- pounds lost      
BMI - 24 or so
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the Lightweights Board!

MSW will not settle
on 3/4/10 6:47 am
Topic: RE: I'm still doing addictive eating on a daily basis
Seems to me you need this group more than ever.  Imperfection should not mean exclusion.  We all struggle.  Knowing this we need to support each other not judge.

The harder the struggle the greater the need.  I make a mission of posting my indescretions daily.  Keeping it surpressed just makes things worse.  I hope you'll keep posting.   We all benefit from knowing others struggle too. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


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