Losers for Lent

Groups » Losers for Lent » Discussion » Less then a week to...

Less then a week to go.....

Mr. Incredible
on 3/27/10 5:57 am - Canada
Good afternoon all- I hope everyone is doing okay.  As I look at the calender, I see that there is only 6 days left before Good Friday.
I know that we each have fought our demons over the past 34 days- and I am really glad to read some of the threads and comments that have been made.  My apologies for not being more active- I've had limited access to a computer.
What have we learned over the last 34 days? 
How successful have we really been? 
Have we learned anything from each other? 
What has been the toughest things to give up? 
Do you plan on staying on this- after the 40 days?
Personally- I think I will still use the 'one day at a time' theory- sometimes it's easier- at least for me- not to think that far in advance.
Success?- well- I've become more aware- and as such been watching what I eat- although I haven't cute all bad carbs and sugars out- I have been able to reduce it big time- so I guess it's a good thing,
I've learned a lot from everyone one of you- thank you.  I think it's important for us to realize that we are not the only ones who have the issues, challenges that we do.

Let's try to see how we can for the last week- I will, starting monday be doing daily postings- please- do the same.. here we are- on the home streach- let's make it happen!!
PATS- September 30th 2009
Surgery- October 14th, 2009
orignall goal-200lbs new goal 185'
August 2011-  182- umm.. now what?
The past is the past and can never be changed, but the future is what ever you want it to be.

Cheryl D.
on 3/28/10 5:40 am - Toronto, Canada
I'm still early out from my surgery but so far have not re-introduced simple carbs in any form, and amazingly I no longer crave them.  I used to be addicted to bread and mashed potatoes and now, not only can I walk away from them, I don't even want them.  Is this the legendary "honeymoon" period?  Will it stop one day and I'll be craving those carbs again?  I hope not. 

I've never been a big sweet eater, never took sugar in my coffee or anything so I'm having no problem cutting sugar out of my life. I'm just wondering if those white carbs are laying in wait for me at around the 6 or 8 month mark will they jump up and bite my ass till I bite into them?? 

I am thinkin' I've lived all these months without simple carbs that if I can keep the faith and don't let them back in the door, I will be able to keep them away.  This is my goal, this is my journey.  So far..........so good.  

Thanks for being here everyone, I learn so much from people here.


No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
Mr. Incredible
on 3/30/10 3:21 am - Canada

Hi Cheryl- Chances are- you are correct.  It can sneak up on you- actually, we do it ourselves. I honestly believe, for me- if I can keep my carbs in check- I can reach and possibly surpass my goal!!

PATS- September 30th 2009
Surgery- October 14th, 2009
orignall goal-200lbs new goal 185'
August 2011-  182- umm.. now what?
The past is the past and can never be changed, but the future is what ever you want it to be.

on 3/29/10 1:05 pm - Gilbert, AZ

I have been on this plan since I have started with the group. I don't crave any sugar nor am I hungry. I am probably gonna stay on it a little longer or as long as I feel good and right now I feel fantastic...Melva
Mr. Incredible
on 3/30/10 3:23 am - Canada
That's great Melva!!  I am assuming you are eating properly- have you noticed much of a weight loss?  The lack of cravings and hunger is great- as long as we take care of our bodies.
PATS- September 30th 2009
Surgery- October 14th, 2009
orignall goal-200lbs new goal 185'
August 2011-  182- umm.. now what?
The past is the past and can never be changed, but the future is what ever you want it to be.

MSW will not settle
on 3/30/10 2:47 am
I've been low carbing for years and years yet some how my carbs are up with this Lenten season.  Thankfully I am doing better with my spiritual Lenten goal.

I had my first post op potato over the weekend and discovered that fat free pringles light are the perfect travel food along with a few protein powder "cookies".  Not good for the carb count at all.   Then there was the vegetarian dining at my favorate Indian restaurant...

I think its the idea of giving them up that's got the carbs way out there.  I've gone from an average of 35g net to       .  Tonight is my 'at risk' night at my final Lenten prayer meeting.    I'm going to print out the Mass readings and pray for restraint over those crackers, lol. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


Mr. Incredible
on 3/30/10 3:29 am, edited 3/30/10 3:29 am - Canada
YIKES!!  Potatoes AND Pringles???   It's not always easy- especially when you make a conscious decision NOT to do something.  We have a few days more- we can do this!  lol- do a lot of praying at Mass!!
Cheryl D.
on 3/30/10 8:31 am - Toronto, Canada
I can do ANYTHING for 3 days......... 

I am getting a good vibe here that it IS possible to go beyond Lent and keep simple carbs out of my life.  It's like a man that's no good for me.  I love em, but need to kick em to the curb.  

We can do this!

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

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