Losers for Lent

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Need your feedback- HELP

on 3/12/10 11:11 pm - houston, TX
OK so I have been carb free for two weeks now. I checck my ketosis stick and yep I m in ketosis daily. I am using livestrong.com to log my intake of everything and I look good- so the dilema- lost 5lbs week one, 4lbs week two and this week- NADA- nothing! What the heck???? Please help me. I exercise almost daily and started spinning two days ago. I am good on protein as well!!! Im stuck at 200.5- I want to be in onderland SOOOO bad!!! Feedback, help , anything!!!
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/12/10 11:56 pm
Hi, First 2 weeks you lost the carbs storage and the water associated with that.  The body is adjusting and needs to learn that you are going to do the same thing. 
Now - anything you start losing - shall be fat - but our body is very reluctant to release any fat. Also - since you depleted your body storage of glycogen - and the body realized that it is probably going to last - it started converting resources into glycogen - and to store that it needs water - so - you probably losings - but the body is just adjusting.   Simple chemistry.  Also - in the past 200 lbs may have been one of your "set" points.  The body is always trying to go back to the "memory" weight, and hold it.  i.e. a person set point may be 180 lbs - (the person was that weight for 3-6 or 12 months some time in the past) so one you reach the 180 - the "body" memory is kicking in since it does remember what it needs to do to keep that.  Only persistant work will help you lower the body set point.  (there are theories about that - google it). 

Just continue doing what you do - and eventually things will work out..  Or at least in theory they should.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/14/10 4:34 am - Gilbert, AZ

 I agree with H2, I did the same thing lost 11 pounds last month this month 1 lb the first wk and nothing this week but the clothes are MUCH looser, now that is saying a lot. Just stick with it as your body adjust you will get over the plateau....


Mr. Incredible
on 3/15/10 12:38 am - Canada
You are doing great!!!  As H2 mentioned, your body is just playing catch up.  Keep in mind as you exercise a little more- your body is going to increase muscle mass- which weighs more then fat.  Just because you stayed the same, it doesn't mean you haven't loss fat.  
Don't give up- you are doing great! 
on 3/16/10 2:53 am - houston, TX
I started spinning this week to change things up and what a change!!! Lets see how it goes!

Thanks everyone!

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