Losers for Lent

Groups » Losers for Lent » Discussion » Happy Monday, March...

Happy Monday, March 1!

(deactivated member)
on 3/1/10 1:01 am - Middle River, MD
How's everyone doing avoiding the evil carb monster?  I've actually done very well considering I was at the hospital all day long with my Dad on Thursday.  I made sure to throw some protein bars in my bag, along with some bottled water.  The hospital cafeteria also has a decent selection of healthy foods, so it really wasn't hard to stay on track.  Plus, I was stressed.  I don't eat when I'm stressed - I eat AFTER the stress.  But I didn't this time.

So, here's what I ate yesterday.  Not bad, considering we went to Cracker Barrel yesterday.  They have GREAT grilled catfish!


B - Protein coffee
      Egg whites on English muffin

L - 1 piece grilled catfish
      mashed potatoes
      green beans

S - 1/2 forkful of chocolate cake (AND...miracle of miracles - it didn't taste nearly as good as I remember!)

D - Broiled tilapia and shrimp


B - Protein coffee
     Greek yogurt

S - 2 hardboiled eggs

L - Greek shrimp salad

D - ? (Out - it's trivia night!)


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