Losers for Lent


on 2/19/10 6:22 am - Gilbert, AZ
Thanx Brian,

First for the quick response, 2nd for the good advice. Ok Im with you so will I  100% gone. I do feel great but you know how that is one taste of sugar the body goes crazy and I crave for more and more. So from today ite will be All or None, and i am going for the none...

Cheryl D.
on 2/19/10 8:23 am - Toronto, Canada
I'd say yes there ARE good carbs.  The reason I say this is that you need carbs just to live.  Your brain needs carbs to function.  If you totally cut out ALL carbs you would eventually die.  So yeah, carbs are a good thing.  The problem is SIMPLE carbs and eating  lots and lots of them. Carbs turn into sugar in our blood and if we injest more carbs than we can use up in energy then this sugar is stored as fat.   Simple carbs act  very FAST and flood our bloodstream with an overload of sugar, which sets us up for serious problems.

It's that rapid flood of sugar in our blood that makes us crave more and more carbs and causes havoc in a diabetic.  The complex carbs enter the blood much slowler, mostly because they are attached to fibre which slows the digestion down and we are not overrun with that fast sugar rush.  So yes, some carbs are good, some are healthy and we need them to live.  Some carbs are just stupid dangerous and should be avoided like the plague.  Feeding simple carbs to children is a form of child abuse if you ask me.   

Being diabetic for the past 3 years has taught me a lot about carbs and why I will do everything I can to not become addicted to the simple ones again.   That's why I'm here, with others who have the same goal.

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