Losers for Lent

Groups » Losers for Lent » Discussion » HAPPY SATURDAY! CA...


(deactivated member)
on 2/19/10 8:41 pm - Middle River, MD
Okay, so we're now well into what, for me, is the hard part of the week - the WEEKEND!!!  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see a day where I don't have to get up at 5:15, but as far as my eating routine, it's a challenge. 

Last night, I went out with my new guy and some friends to the VFW - yeah, lots of carb laden, artery clogging food.  HOWEVER, this post also has a raw/steam bar.  And NORMALLY, that's what I get.  I said NORMALLY.  Last night, as soon as the waitress said they had steakfish, all bets were off!!!  LOL!!!  So, here's my eating summary for yesterday:

B - Protein coffee
      Greek yogurt with blueberries/granola

S - 2 hardboiled eggs

L - Chicken salad
      6 Triscuits

D - FRIED Steakfish
      Tossed salad
       Baked potato w/butter and miniscule sour cream

S - 4 Corona's - Hey! Beer is made with whole grains, no?  And I had lime in it!!!  See?  Fruit!!

So......not bad until dinner.  And trust me, even though I go out a lot, I don't normally eat fried foods, but steakfish - well, there's no other way, for me!!!  How could I have improved it?  Obviously, had the fish broiled.  And the potato - granted, it's a natural carb, but I didn't need it.  It was just there, on my plate.  It was a small potato, but still!!  And the beer?  Okay, well, every night driving home's been a challenge, and....they were $1.75.....and I was with a new guy, so a little nervous about him meeting my friends.....and.....okay, enough justification!  I'm going to do better today.

I'm having lunch out at a renowned seafood restaurant, so I'll have a crabcake and a tossed salad.  And that's IT.  The crabcakes are the size of Frisbees, so there may be something to bring home!  I don't care what type of restaurant, MOST restaurants will accommodate healthy eaters.

Obviously, it's clear what we need to do.  For me, it's all about self-preservation - ask the waitress to NOT bring the bread basket.  Eat your protein first so you're full.  Then, move onto your salad.  If your surgery did what it was supposed to, at this point, you should feel full.  Full, not stuffed.  Say no to dessert.  If you MUST indulge, many restaurants now offer s/f Jello, fruit and yes, even some s/f cakes and pies.  It doesn't hurt to ask.  Watch the alcohol, too - big time empty carbs.

It's not as easy when you're not in control.  I'm going to a spa party tonight - kind of like a Tupperware party for your body.  The hostess has had wls, so HOPEFULLY, there will be something I can eat.  If not, as with any party, most people build their party food around the cheese tray and the veggie tray.  Stick with those.  Yeah, "Tia's Toffee Trifle" might LOOK heavenly, but do you REALLY want to sabotage yourself and potentially spend an hour or two in full-blown dump mode?  Again, what it really boils down to is choices - and YOU (and your tool) are in control.  You were given control when you had wls - exert that control for a healthier, happier you!

Weekend living isn't easy, but it can be done.  And remember, it's often about the company - that's what truly makes the weekends fun!

Have a great Saturday!


on 2/20/10 1:27 am
yeah for you hun!

And like you said, tomorrow you WILL do better! Can't be focused on the past, only look forward and do your best for today!

Good luck and great job!
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.  ~Michael Jordan 
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
 "Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn
onerland-2.jpg My Onerland!! picture by minnlay
(deactivated member)
on 2/20/10 9:25 pm - Middle River, MD
AMEN to that!!!

Thanks, sweetie!!
MSW will not settle
on 2/20/10 1:48 am
Fortunately, eating out does not pose an issue for me.  Its being home with temptation that's a problem.  When I want foods I don't manage well I have to go out for it.  I destroy all left overs immediately.  Expensive, but it works.

At home and out a meal is meat and veg.  It has been for many years.  Desert is my big post op change.  I used to order desert for dinner once a week or so.  No extra caories from nutritious foods. 
  Now its half a desert after a little liquid protein.    Naughty I know, but not during Lent. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


(deactivated member)
on 2/20/10 9:31 pm - Middle River, MD
Part of our success is learning and knowing what's a trigger for us.  And, as you've proven, doing what you need to do - no matter the cost.

A lot of times, I will share a meal with someone.  Works for my pouch and my pockybook!

Dessert for dinner?  Will you marry me?  LOL

Being home and out of my work routine also presents a problem for me.  I try to keep busy, but you NEED a little downtime.  You just have to keep plugging along.  I do find that a lot of times, if I'm craving sweets, I get some flavored hot tea.  Yeah, not the same, but a latte made out of vanilla chai tea and skim milk IS pretty yummy!!!


Cheryl D.
on 2/20/10 2:21 am - Toronto, Canada
I'm doing well so far, still have not introduced any simple carbs since my surgery.  Tomorrow evening I'm going to see Avatar in 3D on the IMAX screen with my daughter and I'm hoping the smell of popcorn won't make me crazy!  I used to love the smell and taste of hot popcorn and could never resist it.  I'm hoping it won't be an issue for me because I think even if I wanted it, I am probably not ready to eat popcorn anyway.  Still, it will be a good test of my resolve to avoid simple carbs for as long as possible which will hopefully be forever.

(deactivated member)
on 2/20/10 9:34 pm - Middle River, MD
Hi Cheryl!

You are one smart, s/f cookie for not introducing simple carbs.  The one thing I continue to tell newbies is - if at all possible, do NOT open that carb door.  It'll never again close properly and you might smash your fingers! 

Seriously, I waited until I was 9 months out, and even then, I'm sorry I did.  As far as the popcorn, you MIGHT, given that sometimes, our tastes and sense of smell change post-op, find that it just doesn't appeal to you.  A girl can hope, huh?

I DO eat popcorn because it's a whole grain and a lot better than some other choices I could make.  I don't eat it every night, though.

Good luck and have fun at the movies!  Take your own healthy snacks - if you're like me, my purse is big enough to hold a toddler!!!  LOL



Jody ***
on 2/20/10 7:28 am - Brighton, MI
RNY on 10/21/08 with
Hi Tia

I had a grouchy pouch yesterday and it didn't seem to matter whatever I put into it, it grouched about it. 

Today I was sympathetic to it and tried not to make it grumpy again.

B - 2 protein coffees
L - chicken noodle soup (yes I know, noodles, but I didn't want to take the chance with meat- oh and I was eating at the MALL and the portions were SOOO BIG..., so it could have been worse)
D - SUSHI - ugh!  Love it... with the rice... 
S - Beer - Tia - Corona for $1.75- you CAN'T pass that up! 

I've been drinking the Select 55 from Budweiser - 55 calories (obviously) but the carbs are like 1 or 2 (I need to check the box again). 

HW-218/SW-208/CW-126/ Lowest Weight-121/Goal-125 - hit 8/23/09/Height-5'3"

Regain 30 lbs from 2012 to 2016 - got back on track and lost it.  Took 8 months. 
90+/- pounds lost      
BMI - 24 or so
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the Lightweights Board!

(deactivated member)
on 2/20/10 9:40 pm - Middle River, MD
Looks like you did, okay, Jody.  Sometimes, you do what you gotta to soothe that pouch.  MY pouch, however, does NOT like rice.  Even though I dearly love fried rice.  MAYBE a tablespoon now, but that's it.  Sigh. 

You are SO right, couldn't shake a stick at $1.75 for ANY beer!!!  I'll check out the Select 55!! 


(deactivated member)
on 2/20/10 9:14 am
Well, joined the board today and did fine till dinner.  DH made vegetable soup for dinner.  He cooked cornbread muffins and I could not resist.  At least, I had no sugar today and will not before bed.

I am a bit depressed tonight.  I think I will take something to make me sleep and call it a day.

3/2005  rny

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