Lose it 4 Life Support Group

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New to the group, trying to head off a gain at the pass

on 7/1/13 2:30 am

Hi- I am just over 3 years out, have recently regained over 20 lbs. (Long, cold, inactive winter). I am frustrated that my nice size 10s do not fit, and find I am wearing the same "stretchy pants" to work every day. To make this all a little more distressing, I have been in two tv ads for my surgeons practice, so everyone in my small city expects me to look exactly like I do in the commercials! Other facts: I am 57, married 36 years, have arthritis and degenerative spine so taking pain meds that tend to increase appetite and weight. Working hard now with a massage therapist to cut back on meds, getting out and walking or biking. My goal is daily, but even 3-4 times a week is better than nothing! Looking forward to being part of this group, and getting back to my local support group monthly as well. Jenny



Wesley T.
on 8/24/14 4:09 pm - Canada

Hi Jenny!

I am pre-op for RNY, although I exercise with an Elliptical. I love it because you can choose to watch TV, or listen to music on headphones. I have orthotics and a lower fused portion of my spine. I get arthritis as well. The Elliptical is excellent low impact, and I do it for about an hour and 20 mins, it is a good work out, good sweating and not pounding on the road, or stressing your ankles too hard in biking. You have to use a good Elliptical, one with a sufficient fly-wheel, not to be confused with those cardio elliptical that swing and speed too fast. Its very comfortable with the nice resistance. -Wes

on 10/30/18 6:46 am
VSG on 09/11/17 with

I hear your struggle and I empathize. I am one year post op and have gained 6 lbs in the last 2 months. I also take at least two medications that cause weight gain :-( I'm not one to tell you how to lose weight since I'm struggling with it myself.

But if you need a low impact exercise that burns a lot of calories, and isn't boring, try indoor cycling classes at the gym. The instructors keep it interesting. You can work out and adjust to your own level and can always increase your resistance as you get better at it and continue to have a great high intensity, interval training workout. I found that I am not one that pushes myself really hard when I exercise alone, so the group classes are the best for me. But I can't do most of them because I have neck and shoulder injuries which prevents me from weight lifting and I have two left feet when it comes to zumba! I also can't follow the step classes. I get dizzy moving too much back and forth! lol

I cycle everyday now since I'm able to do it and I've become addicted to the endorphins that get released! But I didn't start that way, I built up to it. Now I look forward to it most days!
