AV Barriatrics
What's new for Saturdays?????
Hey ya'll
I just wanted to invite everyone to join us tomorrow morning at Dr.
Yadegar's office. The meeting is at 10:00. We do have a small meeting
but everyone is welcome. I know Saturdays can be busy for everyone, me
too but since Tuesdays don't work for me I set aside the time on
Saturdays. It's important "ME TIME" . We don't have scheduled topics
but we do have a folder full of topics with printed info on each.. all
we have to do is pick one.
With the arrival of Spring and coming of Summer we have been thinking
about doing something a little different. How does a park outing...
picnic, bbq, a little physical activity sound? Or maybe a bariatric
friendly potluck? Or a pool party or other water activity? Any of that
sound fun? Well, stop by one of these Saturdays and help us plan for a
fun Spring/Summer.
Hopefully I'll see you soon, like tomorrow;)
Obesity Help Support Group Leader http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/lisasongbird_group/tab,0/page,1/