Kaiser Hawaii All Islands

Welcome to Kaiser Hawaii group. I am new on OH and was looking for people that have gone through the Kaiser Hawaii WT Loss program and have had or are going to have Gastric Bypass surgery. I couldn't find a group so thought I'd start one. With all our Webstiles meetings it suprised me no one has already started a group. It would be nice to have a place for us to go and talk story, get support and help each other through this difficult time.General Information
Location: , Group Created: May 18, 2012Members: 1
13 Years Ago
My Surgery is coming up fast! - I only have 11 days until my surgery. I am very nervous and scare. Even though I've been to all the Kaiser WL classes and understand what is coming I am still scared. I feel like ...
My Surgery is...
May 18, 2012 11:04 am
May 18, 2012 11:04 am
I only have 11 days until my surgery. I am very nervous and scare. Even though I've been to all the Kaiser WL classes and understand what is coming I am still scared. I feel like it's a leep of faith...
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