July 2011 Sleevers

Welcome to the group. Please post and answer questions, give support, and just be there for each anc every person who may need us. Please be respectful to everyone. Thank you!General Information
Location: , Group Created: Jun 19, 2011Members: 13
12 Years Ago
DOWN 30 BMI Points -
I am officially proud of myself I am down 30 BMI points woot go me
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13 Years Ago | |
14 Years Ago | |
14 Years Ago | |
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14 Years Ago | |
14 Years Ago
Hello ALL - Hello all I just joined our group tonight looking forward to getting to know you all does anyone know hm they have lost and what week are you in ?
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14 Years Ago |
Counting Down
June 23, 2011 1:40 am
June 23, 2011 1:40 am
I am sitting her counting down the days to my new life. I am excitted, ancious, nervous, and happy. So many feelings running through me that it becomes hard to tell them apart. Only 14 more days to...
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