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I'll go first. Ahem! I'm Heidi, I live near Minneapolis, MN and I'm 34 years old. I live with my boyfriend, our two cats and take care of my disabled mother. I have a few friends who have had the RNY surgery, and I finally took the plunge myself on 6/27/14. The process took me about four years to complete, as I had cold feet, and went back and forth on my decision for a long time. Finally once I had committed it went relatively quickly, only taking about three months. As of now I'm trying to get off of pain meds
, yes, it seems early, but I hate how groggy they make me. I just want to get my body working and start losing! I'm able to drink as much water as I want, most full liquids feel OK, but Cream of Wheat and I aren't on very good terms, and I'm craving some pureed foods already.
I was shocked at all the bruising that I had after surgery. I had my gallbladder out in December, and I thought it would be similar, the recovery and whatnot, but nope! Not even close. This is much more serious business, and I have got to let myself take it easy. Sleeping sucks, as I'm only comfortable on my right side and after a few hours my arm goes numb and I want to move but it hurts to lay any other way. Showers are the BEST things EVER
right now, and I'm happy that I have access to them. I'm taking nothing for granted at this point. Cold water, showers, cuddly kitties, it all adds up to comfort, and that's paramount to a good recovery. I'm waking up earlier, too, which is kind of a cool side effect. I used to be a night owl to the extreme, like I mean staying up till at least 4am playing my games, waking up around 2pm. Now I'm conked out by 11pm and up at 9am. It feel awesome
. I hope I can keep this up. I go back for my first check up tomorrow, so hopefully everything will be going along swimmingly from their end, too! All in all, I'm happy I did this, already. I know it's just going to get better from here.
Woot! If you're reading this that means you're here and if you're here that means you're a Geek/Nerd/Gamer, and if you're one of those things, we want YOU! Please, don't be shy, write up a bio about yourself for everybody to see!