Brevard County Support Group


Progress update
June 1, 2011 9:15 am
Well it's been over a month since my surgery to fix my band. I had an upper GI to make sure it still looks good and then have a fill. So everything looks great and he put in 4cc under x-ray which was cool to watch. Don't want to push it to far to fast on the fills. It's been 6 days since my fill and to tell you the truth I dont have much restriction. I don't go back for a month. I am waiting for the two week mark to see if my restriction kicks in. For the longest time it was the two week mark that I would really feel the restriction. So we'll see.

At our last support group meeting we had some new people show up, one who will be having his surgery in July and one that is two years out and is struggling. It was nice to have some new faces in the group. There are still a lot of people from my doctors office that could use the support group but choose not to come. At least they haven't said to take them off my email listing when I send out reminders.

Well my days are spent figuring out what I am doing wrong with my food habits so that I can loose the 20lbs I gained back. It was easy to fix the outside now I have to finish fixing the inside so I can continue my journey and lose the rest of the weight which isn't to much but it's enough tht it bothers me.

So hope everyone is doing well on their journey, please let me know how it's going
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