The Loser's Bench
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I just had someone tell my that their program strongly prohibits coffee post surgery and ask me if I ever have coffee.
My program also restricts caffinated drinks, especially early on. Dehydration is a major issue following weight loss surgery. Believe it or not, dehydration is actually the number one reason that people are readmitted to the hospital during the first few days and weeks after surgery. Coffee generally contains caffine and caffine acts as a diuretic, so there is some concern that consuming coffee can contribute to deydration. Caffine is also known to contain acids that can increase the gastic acids which can cause heartburn and gastro esohpageal reflux. Finally, studies indicate that coffee stimulates gallbladder contraction and colonic motor activity within minutes of drinking it. Here is a link to a review of the issue.
My program does allow 'decaffinated' coffee and tea, so that's what I enjoy.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Annie,
I'm sorry to hear of your falls and hope that you recover gently and quickly. I'm glad to hear you are taking care of yourself as you work to reach out to your family during this difficult time. Sometimes it's hard for us to realize that we have to take care of ourselves first so that we have the strength and bandwidth to support those we love.
I'm sorry to hear that your hours have been reduced, but glad it may give you some more time. If you ever have time on the 3rd Saturday morning of any month, be sure to stop by to visit the group.
Enjoy your family and the lovely lunch you are creating.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi my name is Cindy and I am a doctoral student and also have had a lifetime of dealing with my weight. I am doing a project on whether peoples' expectations after surgery were met and also want to know if surgery affected people at work. This survey takes only about 10 minutes and you would be helping me and others with your responses. Thank you and best of luck and strength to everyone. The link for survery is:
I am also coming up on 4 years myself.
Life can be a whole combination of twist and turns.
I know I am at such a better place in my new body than I was in 1998.
I love the fact I am able to do so much.
The past year my family is dealing with the severe lillness of my brother John.
He is waiting for a kidney and liver transplant.
He is attending all the preop classes and sticking to his diet and is sober.
Because of this family stress it started to affect me with high PB and panic attacks.
I saw my PCP Monday and I am happy to say my BP was 120/74 and the antidepressant is helping so much.
I do have balance issues with my extra skin and have to stay on top of my lymphedema all the time.
Tuesday night I took some of my ativan and was getting up to use the bathroom.
Well I fell twice during the night banged my knee up pretty bad.
Thank God Lee was off yesterday which was the worst after my fall.
He was so helpful by getting me up helping me in and out of the shower.
This morning I am alone Lee had to open and I managed to take a shower feed the animals my knee is not as stiff because I kept making myself move slowly around the house yesterday.
I also feel that the increase in my daily walking is going to make my recovery time quicker.
A few times during the month my friend and I have been going to the NC flea Market and walking.
It is so much fun.
My demo job has been cuttung hours so sometimes I am only working one day.
I have noticed a few more food changes which it took me 4 years to be able to have.
I finally found I am able to drink milk and eat a whole grain cereal.
My daily bill of fare remains constant lots of soups,lunch meat,salads cheese I listen to my pouch and hate to over fill it ..
Avoid steak but can do lean hamberger seafood does well.
Tomorrow I am scheduled to have lunch with my brother and mother so in keeping with my brothers diet I will be having chicken salad with walnuts and red grapes heriloom tomatoes served on romaine lettuce and some fresh basil and balsimic vinegar.
For a small treat, lemon curd in mini phylio shells with a fresh rasberry.
So today I am going to keep moving slowly around my house in hopes I will be able to prepare lunch for my family.
Called my PCP about my fall we decided to only take a half of an ativan at night if needed.
Life is good and WLS has blessed me in many ways.
I am nearly 4 years post op and I honestly think that one of my keys to success is that I go in to see my surgeon/RNP for my follow up appointments no matter how I'm doing. What I mean, is that it's easy to go back in and see them when you are losing weight and want to celebrate your achievements, but it can be more challenging to go back when you feel like there isn't anything to celebrate, are worried that you might get bad news because you either weren't taking care of yourself by not taking your supplements, not exercising or may have experienced some regain. To be honest, I have all of those scenario's occur during the past couple of years, but I keep going and as I said, I think it's a key to my success. Not only my success in keeping the weight off, but also my success in taking care of myself because when I go in and I'm having a problem they are able to help me get back on track.
When I went in this time my weight was stable and while my pulse and BP where in 'normal' ranges they were somewhat high for me... I have fractured vertebrae in my back that are causing some significant pain and it's likely the reason for the escalated BP/pulse. We discussed pain management issues; I let her know that I was having issues with my oral pain meds not working well for me and that I'm certainly not drug seeking, but needed a better solution and that transdermal pain patches seem to help with pain medication delivery, bypassing the gut when managing the delivery of pain meds. We discussed treatment plans to manage my osteoporosis considering that I'm a RNY bariatric patient. I was focused on the serum ferritin number and she helpedme see the bigger picture. I have a somewhat unusual condition called Hemochromatosis and my serum ferritin was lower than most and I was concerned that it was becoming a problem, but she showed me that I have the iron stores and platelet counts that let them know that my body is doing just what it needs to do to produce plenty of iron to take care of my needs. I also have had some low D readings and she was able to talk to me about the course of action my PCP has recommended and she concurs with the direction we are taking. We also looked at things like my B12 readings and other details that are important to a bariatric patient. She sees my labs through a slightly different, more specialized view than my PCP does and I really appreciate her perspective and advice on what we are doing to keep me healthy.
So, I hope that weather you are celebrating your weight loss or working to maintain, that you are making sure that you go see your Bariatric specialist to help you maximize your health in the long term.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

Hi my name is Cindy and I am a doctoral student and also have had a lifetime of dealing with my weight. I am doing a project on whether peoples' expectations after surgery were met and also want to know if surgery affected people at work. This survey takes only about 10 minutes and you would be helping me and others with your responses. Thank you and best of luck and strength to everyone. The link for survery is:
as for me, i am happy to be out of the hospital...tomorrow i will attempt a ready made shake...isopure & jello stayed down so let's try something new...
I am including her conclusion and will provide a brief summary of the article.
Hair loss can be distressing to bariatric surgery patients and many will try nutrition themselves to see if they can prevent it. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that early hair loss is preventable because it is mostly likely caused by surgery and rapid weight-loss.
Later hair loss, however, can be indicative of a nutritional problem, especially iron deficiency, and may be a clinically useful sign. Educating patients about the potential for hair loss and possible underlying causes can help them to make informed choices and avoid wasting money on gimmicks that may have little real value.
At any given time most of our hair is in a 'growth phase', but a small percentage is in a 'resting phase'. A number of stressors can cause a greater percentage of our hair to move into a resting phase and WLS patients are at particular risk because we have all had major surgery and experience rapid weight loss which are among the stressors that can impact having a larger percentage of our hair being in the resting phase. Also, if we are experiencing low values of ferritin, zinc or protein or have had more rapid than expected weight loss we may be at greater risk of hair loss.
While some think that supplementing with Biotin, topically or ingesting it; studies have not shown it to be effective in either stopping hair loss or improving regrowth.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145