The Loser's Bench
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Hi Ann,
As you know, like you, I often wear a pedometer. It both motivates and validates my level of activity. I also don't track my intake nearly as often now as I used to. Now, I tend to do it when I need to get myself back on track.
It sounds to me like you are doing what you need to do to take care of you and your are doing it well.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Blogs and

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
I know that when I was losing weight, I found that tracking both my activity levels and intake really helped me manage my weight loss. Often if I found my weight loss stalling, I'd check and find that my caloric intake was too low or I wasn't getting enough protein in. When I'd make the appropriate adjustments, I'd get going again. The other thing I found was that when tracking my activity I realized that I needed to up my caloric intake a bit to be sure that I was getting that baseline of 800 to 1000 calories a day to be sure that I didn't drop into starvation mode where your body gets more efficient with less calories.
Now, that I've lost the excess weight and shifted to the maintenance phase of my journey, I find that I don't journal my intake or activity nearly as much as used to. Now, I only do it if I see a trend occurring that I don't like... Either dropping or gaining too much weight. When I look at my logs, I find that I can actually see what I'm doing and when I make the appropriate corrections, so that I'm getting in enough protein, my weight balances out very quickly.
I have tried Fitday, Sparkpeople and LiveStrong/MyDailyPlate. I really like the best so far because I don't have to reinvent the wheel when I'm logging my food choices. I like the graphic pie chart that immediately shows me a visual so I can 'see' if my proportion of protiens, carbs and fats are on track.
So, my question is do you track your intake or activity? Have you found it helpful? Which tools have you tried and which do you like?
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Where do you hold your monthly meetings and when is the next one? Do you have a set schedule? I would like to try and attend if possible if I am welcome?
Hope things go better, each day is a new one so any mistakes you make can be changed!
Laughter is the best antidepressant pill on the planet and it's free!
Laura S. aka Scooter
Hi Laura,
Thank you for your lovely, warm note. Hang in there. Right now, is probably the hardest part of your journey and it sounds as though you are coming through is all well.
While I believe in G-d and do have a spiritual side, I think that I am not nearly as comforted by my faith as many... I wish that were different and maybe in time, that will change.
When I express my frustration or struggles, please do not mistake that for giving up. While I may give in sometimes, I am far from giving up. Even with my struggles, I am maintaining the significant weight loss and quality of life changes that I've achieved.
I hope to meet you too. I host general meetings on a monthly basis and special interest groups throughout the month. You are most welcome to attend any of the meetings that you would like to join.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Even though I don't know you I can feel your pain. Stress and other factor's is one of the reasons I got to the weight I was before my RNY surgery last week. Reducing the stress in our daily lives is not something that is easy to do. Do you have any spiritual side of you? I was eating out of boredom and loneliness and now that I am on all liquids for the immediate post op period, I have lost my will to snack as I am so full but I do rely on my daily devotions and prayers to give me strength when I feel especially weak and having a network of friends is always good to have someone to call, like an AA sponsor. I hope we get to meet soon, I would like to get involved in your group as I live in the area just SE of Raleigh but if you need a buddy, I am home all the time and you can always reach me here, I am on the computer many times a day and once we meet I will be glad to give you my phone number if you need a pal to call.
Don't give up now, you don't always need a happy face but you do need to have the perseverance to stick with the healthy eating.
I'll be praying for you and hope your stress passes.
A future friend,
Laughter is the best antidepressant pill on the planet and it's free!
Laura S. aka Scooter
I am experiencing an enormous amount of stress in my life right now and if left totally unchecked, I'm sure that my weight would be climbing like the elevator to the Empire State Building. I'm constantly fighting the urge to soothe myself with food. I often 'win' these battles, but I find myself faltering much more often than I like and or am comfortable. I use the 'Beck Diet Solution' program which is helpful. I also both attend and host support group meetings on a regular basis. While I find these things helpful, I'm really struggling to keep doing the things I need to do to take care of me. I keep wanting to comfort myself and honestly, I'm most often drawn to food comforts. I give in sometimes and resist sometimes. I do a much better job of recognizing the behaviors that could cause me trouble and resulting weight gain than I used to, but to say that it's a struggle right now is a major understatement.
I do take time to reflect on the good things in life and to count my blessings... sometimes, multiple times daily. That said, the reality is that I'm having a very hard time keeping my equilibrium and my weight steady.
I share this because I hope that others will understand how incredibly important it is to learn to cope and comfort ourselves in ways that do not include food. During the first weeks, months and even first year, it seems like those old demons are more easily thwarted, but as you get beyond the first 18 month or so, your body doesn't necessarly yank you up by the ears like it did early on if you make a 'bad' choice. Eventually, we have to learn long term coping mechanisms to help us manage life's really difficult times so that we don't lapse into the dangerous behaviors that can undo all of the work we put into taking the weight off in the first place.
I hope that sharing my struggles will help someone else...
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
My name is Katie and I'm 27. I live in Riverton, WY with my husband, grandma, and our 2 cats. We don't have any kids and won't have any either, which is fine because I'm just not a kid person. I work for Edward Jones Investments as a Branch Office Administrator. I love to shop, love music, and love riding 4 wheelers with my hubby.
I guess I've always had weight problems, but since I was 17 they got worse and worse. I had a hysterectomy when I was 17 due to endometriosis, adenomyosis, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. I was on so much medication before and after surgery, and then having to take hormone replacement therapy, really messed with my body. So, I went from being a chunky kid to being an overweight almost obese woman. I battled my weight through my first marriage and then my divorce really did a number on me. I am a stress/depressed eater, so the pounds packed on pretty quick. I met my current husband and we worked together to lose weight and I got down to 200 pounds before our wedding. I was SO happy. Then, 2 weeks to the day from our wedding, I was in a car accident. A woman ran a red light and she was going 50 mph. It totaled my car. I broke my left ankle, broke 4 ribs on my right side, had bruises and contusions all over my body, and had one really bad hematoma on the inside of my left knee. Well, that hematoma still has the color of bruising and it's been 4 years since my accident. It also left me with nerve damage in that area of my leg and knee. It was so painful and I was on oxycontin for 3 years and gained a LOT of weight during that, coupled with the fact that I could not exercise because it hurt so bad. So, I was officially obese.
So, I finally switched doctors at my mother's encouragement, and he took me off the pain meds (slowly took me off), gave me different medicine for nerve pain, and got me in for my initial visit for the LapBand. My mom had the REALIZE band in January of this year, and she has lost 76 pounds to date, so the doctor said I was the perfect candidate due to the fact both my mom and dad were obese, and that I had been fighting my weight for years as well as other co-morbidities. I haven't felt this good since I was in high school. I've lost 20 pounds and lots of inches (including 4 inches in my waist!!!).
I am already having a successful journey with my weight loss surgery and I am so thankful that this tool was given to me. Thank you for allowing me to join your group. I think I will be able to learn a lot from all of you.
Hi Jodi,
Welcome to the group! I look forward to getting to know you as you make your way on this incredible, life-changing journey. It sounds like you've already made a fabulous start.
As you say take it one day at a time ... for the rest of your life.
Wishing you continued success,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145