The Loser's Bench
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The Journal of the American College of Cardiology published a 2 year study that documents the significant improvement 400 gastric bypass patients saw in their cardiac health. This study used EKGs which showed 'remodeling' of the heart where the patients heart mass literally became smaller. They believe that this happens because the patient's hearts were not having to work as hard as they had before the weight loss which allowed their hearts to functions normally, instead of under extreme stress. While there has long been strong evidence citing the benefits of gastric bypass surgery on diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and sleep apnea, this study indicates, that it also improves the health and function heart muscle itself.
If you would like to see the article, you can click this link.Barbara
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
A recent article I found on the NIH Medline site documents the long term benefits of bariatric surgery. For those who are concerned about having the surgery, this might set your mind at ease.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I fell on the icy driveway about a month ago. My feet flew out from under me and up above my hips. When I hit the driveway, I actually felt like I was being 'dropped' onto the cement. At any rate, while my back really hurt, it was my wrist that was screaming at me. It has quit screaming, but my back is still really hurting. My dear husband was worried about me and asked me to have the Dr. check it. I saw my Dr. today and they did a couple of Xrays which show that I have at least one compression fracture in my spine. I also had a DexaScan done to test my bone denisty and they compared it to the one done 2 years ago. It shows deterioration of the bone mass and that I now have osteoporosis. I had osteopinia, the precursor to osteoporosis when the last DexaScan was done. My Dr. said it's common among 'petite' white women. I laughed and said I hadn't been petite for very long. He said it is likely due to my family history of osteoporosis; my grandmother, great aunt, mother and sister all had or have it. He also said that my excess weight may have 'protected' me before because of the 'load bearing exercise' associated with carrying that excess weight. Now, I no longer have that 'protection.'
They don't know if and/or how much my RNY has to do with my osteoporosis considering my family history. None of my other family members have had a bypass, but have been affected. My sister was just about 46 when she was first diagnosed and that is about 7 to 8 years earlier than myself; again, she has never had a bypass. That said, I have to admit to being ever more vigilant about my calcium and vitamin D supplementation. I worry that I have brought this osteoporosis on myself, but realize that now all I can do is work with my Dr's to treat it and try to limit the long term damage. I'm now being referred to an orthopedic back specialist and was told to take it easy until I see her next week.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Yummm! I'll add this to my cookbook and plan to give it a try soon.
Thanks for sharing your recipe.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
For every pound of beef (I use trimmed chuck roast), use one can of Rotel (tomatoes with chili). I slice the meat thinly, brown in garlic & onion powder, pepper to taste - NO salt needed. Add can(s) of Rotel, cover & simmer for two to three hours. When meat is tender, remove lid & cook off liquid, and you are ready to pair this up with beans or on it's on.
Per one ounce serving... Calories: 70, 7 gm Protein, 4gm Fat - so you can do the math on how much you eat.
This is an easy one to make, and I haven't found anyone who did not like it. I usually pair it with black beans.
Brenda : )~
I though it might be a nice idea to try to a Recipe Swap. I'll post one of mine, you post yours and we'll all enlarge our new cooking repertoire. I know that before I had my WLS, I cooked more like Paula Deen. I was worried that I would never be able to make anything WONDERFUL again. I'm glad to say, that as I approach my four year anniversary, I have learned to make a number of adjustments that allow me to fully enjoy cooking and eating what I cook without sacrificing flavor or my health. I hope you will enjoy my recipe and look forward to see what you have come up with. Please share whatever you love to make, no matter where you are in your journey.
Sweet Zucchini and Ricotta Pancakes
1 medium zucchini, grated1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese (I sometimes substitute cottage cheese that I blend to a smooth consistency in my blender or food processor. )
1/4 cup flour
1 1/2 Tbs sugar free syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 Egg, beaten
1 Tbs Canola Oil
1. Combine all ingredients but oil. Heat oil in a nonstick pan. Drop dollops of zucchini mixture into pan and cook in batches. Flatten with a spatula and cook about three minutes each side till golden.
Servings: 8
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 1/8 of a recipe (1.9 ounces).
Percent daily values based on the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for a 2000 calorie diet.
Nutrition information calculated from recipe ingredients. One of the recipe's ingredients was not linked. This ingredient is not included in the recipe nutrition data.
Amount Per Serving
Calories 64.74
Calories From Fat (50%) 32.58
% Daily Value
Total Fat 3.69g 6%
Saturated Fat 1.1g 6%
Cholesterol 31.2mg 10%
Sodium 30.7mg 1%
Potassium 100.75mg 3%
Total Carbohydrates 4.89g 2%
Fiber 0.49g 2%
Sugar 0.56g
Protein 3.27g 7%
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I think I began struggling with my weight when I was in middle school. I don't think it really hit me until I graduated high school. That's when I started to yo-yo diet. About three years ago I did really good and lost around 60 pounds. But I stopped and gained it all back and then some. And now my health has gotten bad to the point of seeing a neurologist for a condition I was diagnosed with called psuedotumor cerebri and him recommending RNY surgery. And I agree with him, that having this surgery will prevent me in the long run from developing diabetes,high blood pressure (both run in my family and I am prone to develop), knee and back pains (both which I have now), heart problems, and so on. I just know that I am ready to go outside and run around with my boys and not have to sit down after ten minutes because I'm so tired and I can't breathe.
I have a very supportive fiancee and family. I love them very much.

My highest weight was 278. I weigh 260 at the present moment. My goal is to get under 200 pounds. Per the BMI chart. For my height...let see, I'm 5'3", so I should weigh somewhere around 120 pounds. Well, I'm here to tell you right now. I don't want to see 120. I'd look like a pure-t crackhead. I don't even want to see 130 or 140. I would be tickled pink at 150. So, the goal weight I have set for myself is 150-155 pounds.
I wish everyone the best of luck on their journey

Dear RuralCountry,
I know that the thinning hair can be very disheartening. If you read my own blog, you'll see me voice my frustration and concern about it. It doesn't happen to all of us, but it is more common than not for women to experience some level of hair loss. In talking with the nutritionist and surgeons at my program, they have said that while there are no studies showing the efficacy of using Biotin, that many patients do use it. They also said that in order for the body to effectively absorb and use the Biotin, it needs to be paired with Zinc. Zinc is a 'heavy metal' and can build up in the body to toxic levels, so they suggested that if I wanted to take the Biotin and Zinc, that I do so in 30 day cycles to ensure that I didn't have an issue with absorbing too much Zinc.
I have always had a nice, thick head of hair, but I was really distressed when I had handfuls of hair coming out. While it was VERY noticeable to me, no one else was aware of my 'extreme shedding.' I made sure to get in plenty of protein and my supplementation. Eventually, the shedding slowed and finally stopped. This has been the case for everyone else that I know that has experienced shedding. It usually lasts for a few months, then fades away.
I hope that this helps,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) created an emergency care flow chart specifically designed for use in the care of the Bariatric Surgery Patient. It was created with a "flow chart" design for the purpose of assisting the Emergency Room Doctor in diagnosing and caring for complications which may be encountered with regard to the Bariatric Surgery Patient.
This poster is provided FREE of charge from The ASMBS as a "download" from this site. The download is in PDF format and can be reprinted as a poster by the printer of your choice.
I have printed a copies to keep in my purse, my cars and to take to my doctors office.
I hope that you find this information helpful.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145