Bariatric Buddy
Recent Posts
Topic: Welcome to all the new members
Good morning Bariatric Buddy Group. I want to welcome all the new members. Thanks for coming back and sharing for those of you that have posted recently. Life had overtaken me again last couple of weeks. Between work and home tasks, I have been MIA.
Today is devoted to catching up on posts, email and such. Looking forward to chat session this eve. I miss being there every week.
Today is devoted to catching up on posts, email and such. Looking forward to chat session this eve. I miss being there every week.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: New Pics...
You are doing a great job. I am happy for you. Keep up the good work. Mag
You are doing a great job. I am happy for you. Keep up the good work. Mag

Topic: New Pics...
Updated Pics are up on my photo section. Some are in the Pre-Op album and the Life after Surgery album.
Thank You All...
Thank You All...
Topic: RE: Today
Hi Camille,
Thanks for posting. You are very welcome here. Things have been very slow around here lately. There are so many things happening to those who used to be here regularly. I'm on an all out effort to get people posting their stories, events and questions. Lets get this group back to being the caring sharing and guiding group we can be again. Mag
Thanks for posting. You are very welcome here. Things have been very slow around here lately. There are so many things happening to those who used to be here regularly. I'm on an all out effort to get people posting their stories, events and questions. Lets get this group back to being the caring sharing and guiding group we can be again. Mag

Topic: RE: Sorry I Haven't Been Around Lately
Hi Rue,
Great to talk with you at Monday chat. Sorry I was so tired. I did need a nap something fierce. Feel better today.
Great to talk with you at Monday chat. Sorry I was so tired. I did need a nap something fierce. Feel better today.

Topic: Today
Today I started this account on I want to be a part of a community of people going through the same experiences that I am. I hope that my posts and stories help and encourage others, and I would like to read some of these Amazing individuals experiences too. I look forward to sharing!! I started my journey in June of last year. I have found the need for a support group is as neccessary as my doctor said it was. I hope to find that here.
Today I started this account on I want to be a part of a community of people going through the same experiences that I am. I hope that my posts and stories help and encourage others, and I would like to read some of these Amazing individuals experiences too. I look forward to sharing!! I started my journey in June of last year. I have found the need for a support group is as neccessary as my doctor said it was. I hope to find that here.
Topic: RE: Sorry I Haven't Been Around Lately
Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way, Rue!
The Lord is my strength and my song; He has given me victory. ~ Psalm 118:14
The Lord is my strength and my song; He has given me victory. ~ Psalm 118:14
Topic: Sorry I Haven't Been Around Lately
First of all I want to apologize and ask for forgiveness for not being here more to support my OH family. I do love you all and I pray for you all the time. Lately I have been gearing up to participate in the March Of Dimes March For Babies here in my hometown. If you would like to take a look at my team page I have included the link below. Please keep me and my team in your thoughts and prayers as the walk is only 5 weeks away. I especially need prayer that my body holds up during this event.
Topic: RE: New from Hampton VA
Thanks for the advice! I'm working on being more aware of what and how much I'm eating. Once I progress to having a surgery date I'm going to start weening off of the coffee. I can't imagine eating so little and being full. It's going to be a big change.
Topic: RE: Hello
Hi Betty,
It's nice to meet you. I'm not a band-er, but many things about our surgeries are the same. Drink plenty of fluids. Be as active as possible. Glad you are with us. I hope others that have bands will message you soon. Mag
It's nice to meet you. I'm not a band-er, but many things about our surgeries are the same. Drink plenty of fluids. Be as active as possible. Glad you are with us. I hope others that have bands will message you soon. Mag