Bariatric Buddy
Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Where do you get a scoop?
I will laugh with you not at you. Tee Hee How were you to know it would settle that far down? Glad you found it. Problem solved. We all have done similar believe me. Be good to yourself. Mag

Topic: Hi Everyone!!!
Sorry I haven't been around. My life is harder since the surgery and my moods are bouncing once again. I see the shrink in a little over a week. Plus i have been sooo tired lately and havent been able to give up my nap. I wont be able to have one tomrrow though. and since i dont drink caffeeine i have to rely on water to wake me up. I got on the scale today and it said i was under 240. i can't believe it. this has been an amazing journey.
i posted new pictures in my album if anyone wants to take a look at them. i dont know how to do it on here. gabby has a friend over and im babysitting her tomrrow as well.
I am learning the hard way that some people just dont understand you no matter what you do, surgery or not. a really good friend and mentor of mine is now "causing trouble" let's just say. or rocking the boat might be a better expression.
sometimes i dont notice the weight loss but when we took some pictures outside with the timer today i really noticed it. i am melting away lol. i love it though. i cant wait for the new gym to open in june so i can work out more. i want to work up to 1 hr 5 days a week. right now its about 30 min 4 times a week
i posted new pictures in my album if anyone wants to take a look at them. i dont know how to do it on here. gabby has a friend over and im babysitting her tomrrow as well.
I am learning the hard way that some people just dont understand you no matter what you do, surgery or not. a really good friend and mentor of mine is now "causing trouble" let's just say. or rocking the boat might be a better expression.
sometimes i dont notice the weight loss but when we took some pictures outside with the timer today i really noticed it. i am melting away lol. i love it though. i cant wait for the new gym to open in june so i can work out more. i want to work up to 1 hr 5 days a week. right now its about 30 min 4 times a week
Hey Y'all
I just wanted to give y'all an update and let y'all know that I am 100% healed from head to toe and I am doing BETTER NOW than I have EVER DONE. So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your continued love and constant prayers. Without those 2 things and of course God's tender loving care I WOULD NOT be where I am today. So thank you. I love Y'ALL DEARLY!!!!!!!!!!
Your Friend Rue
I just wanted to give y'all an update and let y'all know that I am 100% healed from head to toe and I am doing BETTER NOW than I have EVER DONE. So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your continued love and constant prayers. Without those 2 things and of course God's tender loving care I WOULD NOT be where I am today. So thank you. I love Y'ALL DEARLY!!!!!!!!!!
Your Friend Rue
Topic: RE: Joining Monday Night Chat
Hi Michelle
I'm glad that the school year is over for you. It will be nice to have you on Monday chats. I make it to chat when I can, but unable at times. Take care Mag
Topic: RE: Where do you get a scoop?
I got Trader Joe's. I just dug around in it a little, though, and found a scoop! Now I just feel stupid.
Topic: RE: Where do you get a scoop?
Gee, Rachel, I have no clue. Mine always comes with a scoop. What is the brand? Maybe the scoop has settled down in the container. Do your directions say level scope or heaping scoop? Mag
Topic: RE: Milk Allergies and Protein Drinks/Products
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for the info and your research. You are doing a wonderful job to prepare yourself. Take care, Mag
Thanks for the info and your research. You are doing a wonderful job to prepare yourself. Take care, Mag
Topic: Where do you get a scoop?
Okay, this may be a dumb question, but I really don't know the answer. Where do you get a scoop to use with your protein powder? Mine doesn't come with one.
Topic: RE: O.T. Happy!
Thank you, That is so true about Dr's and we are feeling very blessed right now ..... now we have to wait to find out what it will be.............
Topic: Joining Monday Night Chat
So excited, I am finally finished with school which means no more Monday night classes and I can finally join in on the chats! My surgeons office has a support group one Monday night a month and I haven't been able to make any of those either. I can finally make it to the one they are having on June 6th, the rest of the month I can join in with the rest of you on line. Haven't been posting much since I was trying to finish up school. Feeling pretty good, tired at times. Doing Yoga and water exercises faithfully and walking when my knees are having a good day. Just had a round of Euflexa injections to the right knee so that should help. The director of nursing in my facility was once the head of the bariatric program where I had my surgery done. She has been very supportive and checks in with me at least once a week to make sure things are on the right track. It sure doesn't hurt having an extra pair of eyes, I think it keeps me on the straight and narrow! Happy Holiday Weekend to everyone.