Bariatric Buddy
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Topic: RE: What will you eat Post-Op???
Thank you so so much. I like the idea of a list and then kind of like a grab bag of good options - I think I will set that up today. Thank you again
Topic: RE: Hello another newbie here
Well from here they say internist, behaviorist then surgeon. I already have some labs done and nurse said can be as quick as 6 weeks to 3 months depending on my flexibility. So we shall see
Topic: RE: Hello another newbie here
Yayyy on the ease of your insurance. Now to find out what your surgeon requires before. I am glad that insurances are willing to do surgery to prevent the super morbid obesity. I anticipate you flying through the process to get to surgery.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: What will you eat Post-Op???
Most surgeons have the ultimate goal of us getting all our nutrition from eating real foods. It takes time for our bodies to adjust, do some losing, and us to learn realistic portions. The pouch is our tool. We are not able to tolerated the needed volume of foods during the rapid losing, so supplements of protein shakes are needed for a while.
Any foods that we consume after surgery need to be chewed very well, and will end up soft from the chewing. If there is a food that tends to trigger an eating binge, plan to avoid that food. We do not want to do things that will harm our new tool. Continue to work with yout therapist to address food issues. Find alternate things to do during stress. Make a list of acceptable things to do instead of feed the stress. Read the list, pick something off the list to do, the impulse will pass. Consider putting one suggestion of each of many slips of paper, put the papers into a fun container and draw out a slip of paper with your acceptable suggestion. Then do the activity you drew from the container. Takes you mind of the impulse.
Any foods that we consume after surgery need to be chewed very well, and will end up soft from the chewing. If there is a food that tends to trigger an eating binge, plan to avoid that food. We do not want to do things that will harm our new tool. Continue to work with yout therapist to address food issues. Find alternate things to do during stress. Make a list of acceptable things to do instead of feed the stress. Read the list, pick something off the list to do, the impulse will pass. Consider putting one suggestion of each of many slips of paper, put the papers into a fun container and draw out a slip of paper with your acceptable suggestion. Then do the activity you drew from the container. Takes you mind of the impulse.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: Surgery is in 1 Day...
Sounds like you have the usual case of pre surgery jitters Marcia. You did not sabatoge your surgery with the couple of slips. Welcome to being human.
The ability to follow the healthy eating plan after surgery is the focus. I have complete faith that you will sail through the day tomorrow. Take a few extra deep breaths today, as you follow the plan for eating or not eating today, based on your surgeon's orders.
Calm your brain, take a mental vacation to someplace relaxing. Imagine yourself already done with surgery, participating is things that you can not do right now. A few minutes spent relaxing in your minds eye will help. We are here to support your efforts along the adventure. Let the losing begin!!! Hugs
The ability to follow the healthy eating plan after surgery is the focus. I have complete faith that you will sail through the day tomorrow. Take a few extra deep breaths today, as you follow the plan for eating or not eating today, based on your surgeon's orders.
Calm your brain, take a mental vacation to someplace relaxing. Imagine yourself already done with surgery, participating is things that you can not do right now. A few minutes spent relaxing in your minds eye will help. We are here to support your efforts along the adventure. Let the losing begin!!! Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: Challenge...NOT for everyone!
Hi Ladies,
Hope we are all having a goo start to our day. Except it is not the start of your day. Right, Amalia?
I saw the PNP yesterday. He is happy that I'm making progress. No medication changes this week. Also, don't have to go back for 2 weeks. I see the cardiologist today at 11:15AM. I don't even remember why she wants to see me. Where is my brain? Has anyone seen it?
Food was pretty good yesterday over all. I did make one bad choice. But moving in the right direction. No craving for sugar, Thank God for that. Still not getting enough fluids in. I don't know why it is so difficult for me.
Have a wonderful day. Take care of you. Mag
Hope we are all having a goo start to our day. Except it is not the start of your day. Right, Amalia?
I saw the PNP yesterday. He is happy that I'm making progress. No medication changes this week. Also, don't have to go back for 2 weeks. I see the cardiologist today at 11:15AM. I don't even remember why she wants to see me. Where is my brain? Has anyone seen it?
Food was pretty good yesterday over all. I did make one bad choice. But moving in the right direction. No craving for sugar, Thank God for that. Still not getting enough fluids in. I don't know why it is so difficult for me.
Have a wonderful day. Take care of you. Mag

Topic: RE: Surgery is in 1 Day...
I agree with Amalia. You are being to hard on yourself. We are all human. None of us are perfect, Relax. Take a couple of long, deep breaths. Mag
I agree with Amalia. You are being to hard on yourself. We are all human. None of us are perfect, Relax. Take a couple of long, deep breaths. Mag

Topic: RE: Hello another newbie here
I will do that. I hope that I won't need a Cpap at all after my weight is down, but I do know people that aren't overweight at all that have sleep apnea so I guess once I get my weight down and have another sleep study done I will find out.
I am not on insulin YET, and hope to get off the pills and get things in order that way too.
So far its been one big educational process thats for sure. Being im a lightweight I hope the Dr is willing to look at the DS for me.
Tonight is my first seminar and I will schedule whats next after this.
I did find out good news and thats my insurance does not require prior authorization, just have to meet the requirements which at least will eliminate that frustration.
Thank you
I am not on insulin YET, and hope to get off the pills and get things in order that way too.
So far its been one big educational process thats for sure. Being im a lightweight I hope the Dr is willing to look at the DS for me.
Tonight is my first seminar and I will schedule whats next after this.
I did find out good news and thats my insurance does not require prior authorization, just have to meet the requirements which at least will eliminate that frustration.
Thank you
Topic: RE: Surgery is in 1 Day...
Marcia NOBODY is perfect. Your "slip-ups" don't sound too serious and remember, after WLS you will have a wonderful ally: your new digestive system!
Topic: Surgery is in 1 Day...
I know from reading everything I can on OH that it is normal to feel nervous and scared. But is it normal to feel so scared you actually think you could do without the surgery. I'm also scared because during the liquid diet - I slipped very small slips but still slip ups and it doesn't help with the fear. (the slips during liquid pre-op was on 3rd day I had a creamy soup with a little bit of broccoli and then on day 4 I had a bite of chicken) now I know I can stick to it but the soup was I was so hungry on 3rd day and the chicken was a mindless thing I did because I was cooking dinner for my family. Did I mess up totally because of my fear of the surgery and sabotage myself? I'm very upset so much so I can't sleep.