Bariatric Buddy
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Welcome to the group. This a wonderful group of people. You will find a lot of support and encouragement here. There is all a lot of information too. Continued success on your journey. Thanks for posting. Mag

I'm sorry you are frustrated. I know all those tests are a pain in the tush, but they want to make sure you are in the best shape possible when going into surgery. Just like Sara said. I bet some do get weeded out, but not you. You can rise above this. Just do the best you can with the work you are to do. Drink plenty of fluids to practice up. Write down what you eat. Making that a habit now will help you when you join us on the losers bench. Looking forward to good things for you. Just take care of yourself. That's the most important thing for you to do.

Glad to see you posting. Not glad that things are out of balance. I know how that is. I'm 6 months out and my psych meds keep going up and up. I've had lab work drawn but don't have results back. How come your c-pap is the wrong setting? Did you have a sleep study? I've had 2 sleep studies in the last month. Neither had any REM sleep. Dr. is trying to figure out what is wrong. Then I'll have a 3rd one to see if it corrects the problem. Take care of you. Mag
I have decided to do my small research paper for school on psychological effects of weight loss surgery and i wanted to get opinions and poll everyone some questions. no copying answers, just kidding
1) what was the hardest thing mentally for you about weight loss surgery
2) what was the best piece of advice given to you to help with your adjustment
3) if you had depression did it improve
4) with the rapid weight loss did you have mood swings and describe them
5) what do you see when you look in the mirror if you dont mind sharing something about your self image
6) do you like yourself better now or then
7) do you regret the surgery and if you ever did what was it that bothered you and what changed your mind
if peeps want i will answer the questions too. im not trying to be nosy; it really is an assignment and i wanted to get a variety of answers. feel free to share some or all or more whatever you want to share
thanks ahead of time! you could also message me the answers to the questions