Bariatric Buddy
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Topic: RE: Emotions running a muck
Thank you so much...I thought I was going CRAZY for a while there. I didn't see the emotinal thing that way,...Hubby is a small man and does eat what he wants when he wants and goes crazy when he loses 10 lbs. I hear a lot of folks talk about therapy. I would love to get into some and take him along so he can better understand what I am going thru and more of what to expect in the future.

May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.
Topic: RE: Emotions running a muck
Well for me I went to my therapist for this before surgery and she told me I was more then likely a food addict. Food was my comfort and it never changes and was always there for me. You are going to go through those emotions feels like you are losing it. Do you have someone you can talk to? For me it was all about "why can't I be just like everyone else, who can eat what they want and lose weight or eat less junk and be able to lose weight... why do I have to go throught all of this" But I know the struggle will be worth it when my health gets better... Good luck you are not alone.
Topic: RE: Unofficial weigh in!
Congrats to you. It always nice to see the scale going down & down some more.

Topic: RE: Good News :)
Congrats to you! It isn't always an easy road but soooooo worth it in the end. I had my vsg surg on 6-6-11 and feel grrreat. Best thing I have ever done for myself. Keep us informed. We are all rooting for you!

Topic: RE: It's been a while...
It's better to stay busy than be bored then munch munch munch! I am glad that you are having fun and enjoying your summer!
Topic: It's been a while...
Hey Y'all,
I know it has been a while since I last posted in here. So I thought I would stop in and say hi. This summer has been crazy busy for me and my family. Mom and I have had 1,2 or all three of my 2 younger sisters children pretty much everyday since school let out for the summer. I love my nieces and my nephew dearly but they wear me out.LOL. I am also pretty busy with church picnics, pool parties and such. Seems like every weekend there is something going on there. All in all life is good. I am happy, healthy and enjoying life again.

Topic: Emotions running a muck
It seems that lately every song on the radio, every sweet comercial on TV makes me cry! I don't really know what this is all about. And then there are moments that I wanna RIP my honeys face off, or scream. I feel pissed off, sad, happy, glad and excited about the upcoming surgery, hopefully in December. I have had 3 visits of 6 and am right on track , have lost 16lbs in 2 months.
Why can't I stop tearing up and crying?

Why can't I stop tearing up and crying?
May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.
Topic: RE: Good News :)
Great for you! The time will go buy quickly and before you know it you will behaving your surgery. Congrats on the 15 lbs gone and never to be found again. Do you know yet if you have to have supervised weight loss for 6 months before surgery?

May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.