Bariatric Buddy
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Topic: Message from Patrece
Patrece has been talking with me on the phone. She asked me to pass on her thoughts of everyone. She is going through some personal issues, just moved monday and has no internet access. She will be without internet access for awhile yet.
She wishes everyone all the best. Take care yourselves, do something nice for others.
She wishes everyone all the best. Take care yourselves, do something nice for others.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: Non Scale Victory
I am thrilled for your focus and pride. You go Jane!!!!
By the way, congrats on the scale victory tooooooooo.
By the way, congrats on the scale victory tooooooooo.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: Non Scale Victory
Well, I'm down to 298 today. Been busy, but am making the effort to dedicate more time to me, which isn't easy at all.
I have a non-scale victory. This mean old seamstress, who can't sew, was trying to blame my weight and fat body on how bad the dress she was making looks. Normally this would make me cry my eyes out because I'd feel bad about my weight. But honestly, I didn't let that woman get me down. I've come too far and lost too much weight to let someone make me feel like I'm less just because of her lack of skill and abundance of fat prejudice. I'd say it was more of a victory if I'd told her off, but I didn't have the heart to. I just shrugged her off and tried to focus on the dress. But I feel proud of myself in that I didn't let her get to me.
The other celebration in my mind is that I'm under 300. I haven't psychologically accepted it yet, and probably won't until I've gone to Saturday still under 300. But you guys will be privvy to the fact that I've been under 300 since Thursday.
I have a non-scale victory. This mean old seamstress, who can't sew, was trying to blame my weight and fat body on how bad the dress she was making looks. Normally this would make me cry my eyes out because I'd feel bad about my weight. But honestly, I didn't let that woman get me down. I've come too far and lost too much weight to let someone make me feel like I'm less just because of her lack of skill and abundance of fat prejudice. I'd say it was more of a victory if I'd told her off, but I didn't have the heart to. I just shrugged her off and tried to focus on the dress. But I feel proud of myself in that I didn't let her get to me.
The other celebration in my mind is that I'm under 300. I haven't psychologically accepted it yet, and probably won't until I've gone to Saturday still under 300. But you guys will be privvy to the fact that I've been under 300 since Thursday.
Topic: RE: gastric sleeve vs. standard gastric bypass
Hi Jenn!
I was sleeved. I went for the consult in March 2010 and my surgeon said it was the best for me because of the weight I was at (406). He said being sleeved would still leave my body open to be RNY'd later down the line. He said that at my starting weight the RNY was a dangerous procedure, and if I stopped losing weight before goal I'd have limited options.
I chose the sleeve at his recommendation. I had originally wanted RNY, but admittedly because that was all that I knew about at the time. I informed myself a little more and I would chose to be sleeved again if I had to make that choice again.
However, what's good for me isn't necessarily good for everyone else. Good to go to your surgeon for a consult.
I was sleeved. I went for the consult in March 2010 and my surgeon said it was the best for me because of the weight I was at (406). He said being sleeved would still leave my body open to be RNY'd later down the line. He said that at my starting weight the RNY was a dangerous procedure, and if I stopped losing weight before goal I'd have limited options.
I chose the sleeve at his recommendation. I had originally wanted RNY, but admittedly because that was all that I knew about at the time. I informed myself a little more and I would chose to be sleeved again if I had to make that choice again.
However, what's good for me isn't necessarily good for everyone else. Good to go to your surgeon for a consult.
Topic: RE: Does anyone want a new challenge?
Kathy, I understand completely. That's why I'm staying off line for a little while. Looks like no one is interested anyway. Hugs Mag
Topic: RE: Emotional eating
Jane, do not feel guilty for making yourself a priority. You are the most important person in your life and the lives of your family. They need you healthy, physically and mentally. Just do it Jane, make the time for Jane!!!! I appreciate the ol college try, you will succeed. Go Jane, Go.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: Emotional eating
You are welcome, journalling, blogging, getting our thoughts on paper ( or virtual paper) helps. I go back from time to time and reread things that I posted as I went through the preop process. Reading these, I discover how far I have come, I celebrate my success. It is amazing how we grow during the process and I am not talking pounds of growth, but the mental growth that we need!!!
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: Emotional eating
You are welcome, I want it BAD.
Love your tag line. Hugs
Love your tag line. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: Emotional eating
Thank you Rose. I needed to read it too. I will continue to share things with my friends. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Topic: RE: Does anyone want a new challenge?
I am letting Patrece have the challenge thread. Know that I too have challenges, just that I am focusing on doing what I need to do for my best interest. That includes spending a little less time here at BB for the time being. I am supporting your efforts. Do what is needed for your best health. Mag first when needed. Get your butt moving, doing what is needed for you Mag!! Hugs