Bariatric Buddy
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You are more than welcome!
May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.
Happy Sunday Kathy and Everyone. Mission accomplished, have completed all testing necessary for the insurance.
And I started Chantix,(now on week 2) still struggling. I see the nutritionist and go to my next Group Meeting later this month. Extra steps are being taking every where I go. All last week I got off at one stop sooner and walked the rest of the way. Boy I feel it in my feet, they hurt.
It has been a very very hot weekend here in Knoxville, very humid. My favorite time of days is dusk. I sit by the kitchen window and listen to the day coming to a close. The kritters in the trees singing their nightly songs and the lighting bugs flashing.
Have a great day
May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.
I have checked under my state and area for support groups and there is one that meets regularly in my metro area but it's about and hour and a half away and that distance is more than I'd like but, I haven't ruled it out. Overeaters Anonymous is close by and meets once a week and I'm considering that, as well. I do intend to ask the psychologist about others, too. Then I'll make a choice.
Of course, this medium is helpful, too, and I will continue to tap it.
Thanks again!
Good to have you back. I too don't have a surgery date as of yet. Ihave done all the testing including the phych thinggie and now have to finish my 6 supervised visits. The support group I attend was interactive. I would suggest asking your doc of ongoing support groups in your area. Also check here under your a thinggie about meetings in your town. You would be surprised..I found one here in Knoxville.
You are facing your demons persay and that is a good thing I think. Facing my fears even something as simple as walking up a steep hill. (Did I say I thought I was gonna die?) I always feared I would pass out. I didn't. It felt good. The more I challage myself the better I feel about myself. I am learning to live!
Hope this helps a little.
May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.
I still don't have a surgery date but, progress has been made. I've met with the surgeon and further defined insurance requirements. All my testing is scheduled (labs, xrays, etc.) and will be completed on 9/1.
I've fulfilled the 2 support group meeting requirement and will be continuing to go though. I had hoped that they would more interactive but, they are good just the same. These groups are more presentation/informational. There is the opportunity to meet and talk afterward but it is not a structured exchange session. I will have to find that elsewhere and I am hoping that, in my psych eval on the 22nd, I will get more information I was looking to get something specifically focused on WLS people. I'll take what's available.
I have decided to join LA Fitness as they have an Aqua Fit program in the mornings that will provide my needed exercise without aggravating my knee and back issues.
I continue to hear good things about my surgeon, Dr. Smith, from doctors and patients and that certainly is encouraging.
I also continue to discover my demons and try to face my fears. These are the more difficult aspects of this journey. I laid some cards on the table to my mother last week and, as expected, she pretty much swept them under the rug and responded in anger. It helped me to realize one of my triggers and why I now have difficulty talking to people about my feelings. It's awareness and understanding, at least a step in that direction, and I hope another step on the road to recovery from food addiction. My issues are with talking face to face; I don't have much problem writing about them. Of course, I'm writing to people who are not family and have the same issues as I do. I'm pretty much afraid of people so I have trouble trusting and it takes me a long time to get to know people and let them in, if at all. I hope to change that with God's help.
So, that's where I'm at right now... moving forward one baby step at a time.
Patrece communicates with me several times a week, passing on her thoughts for everyone. She will be back online when a few things are straightened out in her life. Complicated. I have passed on greetings from posts. Thanks gang!!!
I am emjoying the final weeks of summer, glad that the worst of the heat is past us. The dogs and I get out during the cooler parts of the day when we can. Oscar and Gretta were both to the groomer monday and look wonderful all trimmed up. Things have slowed a bit at work and thankfully, no overtime last week. I am working on some quilts that I have started, actually finished 2 of them this week.
My pouch is working, I sense the fullness will very little food. Thankgoodness for wls. How are you doing? Come share your success, urges, needs and support others. Enjoy the weekend, hugs.
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I feel hungry all the time, I do ok during the day when I am at work and busy but when I get home all I can think about is eating. I try to keep healthy choices front and center but calories are calories. I have started using WW as a guide for my total calorie intake, before I had to remind myself to eat. It feels like a roller coaster and its so confusing.
I started training for a half marathon to keep my excited about excercise but have fallen off a bit. It seems that once you miss more than a day its hard to jump back in. I feel really sluggish so there is even less motivation to get going again. I should let my playful pups get me out more.
I got down to the lowest point of my healthy BMI range and then got sick and lost an additional 10 poinds. I loved the way I felt, but people sad I looked emaciated. I got better and gained weight back, then started feeling hungry all the time and gained some more. So I have gone from hearing "don't lose anymore weight" to "you don't want to gain anymore."
I feel like I have traded the problems of an obese woman for a whole other set of problems, now I just obsess about the prospect of failure. I have seen so many people gain it all back. On top of the fact that I would be personally devestated, I feel like everyone is watching me just waiting for me to fail.
I am going to search out support, focus on healthy nutrition, healthy thinking and excercise. That's all I know to do....
Thanks again~ Elizabeth