Bariatric Buddy
First Post in Group - Sleeve Surgery scheduled for 12/18/13
IT has been a whirlwind! I only found out a few days ago of my date and my mind is racing...its affecting my sleep and I have had a headache but overall I am excited to change my life and get back to being ME.
I have my nutritional class tomorrow which is only 2 weeks out from surgery date but in a way I am glad so I dont have so much time to stress before having to go into ACTION mode. Although reading about many other's pre-surgery actions, I am feeling very unprepared.
So many preparations to be made now...not just for me but my family. I am a little overwhelmed. I have two kids 8 and 12 and I havent told them yet. Trying to decide how and what...any suggestions? I really want to use my surgery as an opportunity for all of us to be and act healthy. My kids are of perfect weight but so was I until college. I see their eating habits, feel the guilt of not having been a great role model and want to use this time for all of us to make the changes we should.
I havent decided if or who I will tell. SO far only my husband (obviously), my mom, physical therapist, hair dresser (HA) and one close friend. I might to bring some more friends into the loop in case I need help with the kids, etc. but other than that, I really dont find myself wanting to tell people. I would love to hear how you have dealt with this!
Looking forward to using these groups as I spend the next 2 weeks focused on prep and then of course, post surgery. Any need-to-know tips or suggestions are appreciated...I am afraid I am not asking the right questions.