Bariatric Buddy
had surgery and now struggling
hello all. thanks for all the replies on my latest posts. i had my surgery on may 31 and was discharged from the hospital june 2. i am now struggling at home with eating. i have started the full liquid diet a day early because i am hungry all the time. i think that i am not drinking enough during the day. i had some cream soup today and must have had to much because i had such a stomach ache and pain. everytime i eat/drink something i get an upset stomach. i still have my drain in and it will come out tomorrow which is a good thing cause that's starting to get painful as well. i'm not sure how much i should be losing on a daily or weekly basis but i feel like i'm not losing as fast as i can. i don't weigh myself everyday i just feel like i'm doing something wrong. any suggestions?
Hello, craftyjenn.
If something is a major problem or concern, always check with your doctor or nurse especially when pain is involved.
I suggest that you measure all of you food. If it is too much, eat kews next time.
When eating cream soups, make sure it has no chunks in it and make it very thin.
Your weight loss will vary.
Hope this helps.
If something is a major problem or concern, always check with your doctor or nurse especially when pain is involved.
I suggest that you measure all of you food. If it is too much, eat kews next time.
When eating cream soups, make sure it has no chunks in it and make it very thin.
Your weight loss will vary.
Hope this helps.
so sorry to hear your having a hard time. remember to eat small bites.. I used a baby helped so much..and I can not eat creamy that might be your problem..becareful with the creams..maybe avoid those til further out and see how you adjust. ..and keep in mind..small sips.. wait.. if ok..sip again.. do not rush.. I kept a blender bottle next to me..had oz mesaureing on it.. I would fill to 4 oz.. and drink that..then refill.. then graduated to meet my 64 oz a day.. it was so hard.. I was at 48 oz a day..which was ok for my dr..but still had to sip allllll the time.. it is work.. but hang in not feel you have to loos so much so fast..everyone is different.. your so fresh out of surgery and give it time.. your doing fine.
yeah you are doing fine! I know when i first started on my soft foods, i got the heartburn/indigestion thing and my dr prescribed some prevacid for the pain. it feels like false hunger pains and then the burning. Just take your time and you will be fine. Make your soups very soupy until time for thicker soups.