Bariatric Buddy
very frustrated...
well i finally had my pulmonary appointment and was told that i may have sleep apnea. so i have to go for a sleep study in 2 weeks and then if i do have sleep apnea i need to be treated for 6-8 weeks before i can even consider the surgery. i'm already in month 5 of my nutritional classes. i also had my psych eval this week and due to the amount of meds i'm on for my psych issues the doctor said he would approve the surgery for me but with exceptions. i was so shocked that my mental illness is going to play a role in this whole thing that i forgot to ask what the exceptions were. well i see my surgeon on october 17 and hopefully the psych eval will be in his hands by then and i can learn what the exceptions are. i'm sure i can work with them but i'm just so frustrated that it takes so long to get into the specialist's then they decide your fate. the pulmonoligist was like i don't know why you waited so long to come in we usually see people during month 1 or 2. it wasn't my fault i had to wait to long they are the ones that scheduled the appointment and that was their first opening according to the secretary. i'm almost to the point of backing out of doing anything else as i'm so frustrated. hopefully the surgeon's appointment will go better and i will be in a better frame of mind. thanks for letting me vent!
Don't give up! You are so empowered to take over your life and the life you want. I am surprised to hear that if you have sleep apena you would have to wait due to treatments. I suppose each insurance/surgeon is different. I have my sleep study this coming Thursday and I asked, "Will my surgery be postponed if I have sleep apthena?" The doctor said, "No, because you leave with the equipment right from the office and you would take it to surgery with you." I was relieved to hear that. I am now waiting for the the insurance to approve my surgery. I do not understand why the insurance has he hem and haw over the decision, as there has been studies done that show that biatric surgery cures type 2 diabetes, hypertention, high bllod pressure, high cholestrol, obsity, and who knows what else it can help cure as they are still conducting test. I bet it will also prolong your life and give you years back to be with your family and enjoy the rest of your life.
Let's keep in touch. My fears right now is that the insurance will deny me for the surgery. The insurance wanted 5 yrs of weight being overweight, dietician/nutrition class. I should know by Thursday, Oct 13 at the earliest.
This will happen for you, I am sure, you are so determined just as I am.
Take Care,
Don't give up! You are so empowered to take over your life and the life you want. I am surprised to hear that if you have sleep apena you would have to wait due to treatments. I suppose each insurance/surgeon is different. I have my sleep study this coming Thursday and I asked, "Will my surgery be postponed if I have sleep apthena?" The doctor said, "No, because you leave with the equipment right from the office and you would take it to surgery with you." I was relieved to hear that. I am now waiting for the the insurance to approve my surgery. I do not understand why the insurance has he hem and haw over the decision, as there has been studies done that show that biatric surgery cures type 2 diabetes, hypertention, high bllod pressure, high cholestrol, obsity, and who knows what else it can help cure as they are still conducting test. I bet it will also prolong your life and give you years back to be with your family and enjoy the rest of your life.
Let's keep in touch. My fears right now is that the insurance will deny me for the surgery. The insurance wanted 5 yrs of weight being overweight, dietician/nutrition class. I should know by Thursday, Oct 13 at the earliest.
This will happen for you, I am sure, you are so determined just as I am.
Take Care,
Just jump through the hoops, one at a time. The insurance companies put these obstacles in our paths as they make sure that we are making informed decisions and to get us into the optimal health to have the surgery.
Stand up for your needs, do not let this get you down. Soon you will have completed the pre op routines and we will be reading that you have a surgery date.
Stand up for your needs, do not let this get you down. Soon you will have completed the pre op routines and we will be reading that you have a surgery date.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group