Bariatric Buddy
Have met with everyone except psychologist
You're almost there! Months before surgery I was following the life long post op diet - it helps to get used to the changes I think - well not that anything can really prepare you for the first bit right after surgery. But I lost some weight and got a good diea what I was getting myself into. I also started an exercise regimine too. It's great you are looking to start these things BEFORE and not after! Best of luck to you!
Welcome to the group, what is your first name? This time beofre surgery is filled with emotions, up, down, don't know which way to head. They are all normal. Start with a salad size plate, put half of your normal size portion on it and try a child size utensil. Put the spoon/fork down between bites and chew each bite at least 20 times, pulverize the food. This gets you into the habit of eating slower. Try to not drink fluids with your meal. I had the hardest time with separating food and fluids before surgery. Much easier after, there simply is not room for both at the same time after surgery.
Get into the habit of doing some kind of exercise/walking each day. Start slowly, do not let your body talk you into "let's not do this today" Make it part of your life, like brushing you teeth and combing your hair. I find that walking is my favorite, and of course my dogs fav too. Having a walking companion is great. Try to find a friend to walk with, make it a date to get together, have someone to be accountable to.
Getting off my soap box for a bit. Let's lose together.
Get into the habit of doing some kind of exercise/walking each day. Start slowly, do not let your body talk you into "let's not do this today" Make it part of your life, like brushing you teeth and combing your hair. I find that walking is my favorite, and of course my dogs fav too. Having a walking companion is great. Try to find a friend to walk with, make it a date to get together, have someone to be accountable to.
Getting off my soap box for a bit. Let's lose together.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group