Bariatric Buddy
Where is everyone?
Patrece communicates with me several times a week, passing on her thoughts for everyone. She will be back online when a few things are straightened out in her life. Complicated. I have passed on greetings from posts. Thanks gang!!!
I am emjoying the final weeks of summer, glad that the worst of the heat is past us. The dogs and I get out during the cooler parts of the day when we can. Oscar and Gretta were both to the groomer monday and look wonderful all trimmed up. Things have slowed a bit at work and thankfully, no overtime last week. I am working on some quilts that I have started, actually finished 2 of them this week.
My pouch is working, I sense the fullness will very little food. Thankgoodness for wls. How are you doing? Come share your success, urges, needs and support others. Enjoy the weekend, hugs.
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Happy Sunday Kathy and Everyone. Mission accomplished, have completed all testing necessary for the insurance.
And I started Chantix,(now on week 2) still struggling. I see the nutritionist and go to my next Group Meeting later this month. Extra steps are being taking every where I go. All last week I got off at one stop sooner and walked the rest of the way. Boy I feel it in my feet, they hurt.
It has been a very very hot weekend here in Knoxville, very humid. My favorite time of days is dusk. I sit by the kitchen window and listen to the day coming to a close. The kritters in the trees singing their nightly songs and the lighting bugs flashing.
Have a great day
May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.
Keep working the chantix, the struggle is so worth it when you can give up the habit. Getting off a stop early is a great idea, the extra steps help and with practive, the extra distance gets easier. I needed to drop my car off for some body work this morning. Considered walking home from there, but it was over 5 miles and I had several things to complete this morning. I will take the critters for another stroll later on. They got to ride a bit in the car today, satisfied that "we went for a ride with mom", now they are both asleep on the sofa. Ond day at a time Connie, one day at a time. Hugs
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group