Bariatric Buddy
I plan to be at chat tonight. Anyone else?
Bariatric buddy chat session is this evening. Come one, come all. Time for sharing and caring for each other.
We start at 7pm eastern, 6pm central, 5pm mountain and 4pm pacific. Entrance shortcut is .
You may need to update your JAVA if having trouble getting into the chat room. Keep trying. Chat usually lasts about an hour. Any questions, send a PM to KathyB4me, here at OH.
I plan to be there. See (or rather chat with) you this evening. Hugs, Kathy
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

I really would like to be here tonight, but Dr Stefan Pettine is the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Rocky Mountain Surgical Associates Bariactrics, or whatever it is called.
But it is a FREE monthly support group. And it is important for me to show up, participate in my recovery from this dibilitating dis-ease. Anyone and Everyone is welcome, pre op, post op, family friends, anyone.
Is this a weekly chat? What is the schedule?
I am new to the group here and do want to participate here as well :)
In the solution,
But it is a FREE monthly support group. And it is important for me to show up, participate in my recovery from this dibilitating dis-ease. Anyone and Everyone is welcome, pre op, post op, family friends, anyone.
Is this a weekly chat? What is the schedule?
I am new to the group here and do want to participate here as well :)
In the solution,
okie dokies... that means every other week I can make more or less
as they have a group therapy on the second monday of every month as well. Though I am thinking if I take my lap top to the hospital, I can use their wifi there and make the online meeting with you all. Our support groups start at 6pm, and from what I understand this is at 5pm MST.
That would get me to the hospital early, which is a good habit to get into. I could even plan to have my dinner there, enjoy the slowing down and smelling the roses aspects of being good to myself for a change of pace :)
bound and determined to participate,
as they have a group therapy on the second monday of every month as well. Though I am thinking if I take my lap top to the hospital, I can use their wifi there and make the online meeting with you all. Our support groups start at 6pm, and from what I understand this is at 5pm MST.
That would get me to the hospital early, which is a good habit to get into. I could even plan to have my dinner there, enjoy the slowing down and smelling the roses aspects of being good to myself for a change of pace :)
bound and determined to participate,