Bariatric Buddy

Hello BB :)

on 6/22/11 3:21 am, edited 6/22/11 3:24 am
Its been awhile since I stopped in to say hi, and give an update on a wls process that seemed like it was never going to get done. Now I'm into the final phases. I been on a Protein diet to shrink my liver so it does not interfer with the surgery for RNY and to have no or less complications. I'm looking forward to dropping 8 more pounds and get a date for surgery. As far as I know I'll have to flush out my system 1 or 2 days before surgery. I'm also preparing for the liquid diet I'll be after the surgery. So far I like the Chocolate shake from MuscleTech. I'm also going to see about getting chewable vitamins that taste well enough to bare.

Some second thoughts have enter my mind about the surgery and the sagging skin that comes later on. I was thinking maybe RNY is not best suited for me due to the bypass of my intestines. So VSG was another option I was looking into. My Cousin had VSG and she loves it. I know it is a slower weight loss than RNY but I'm in no rush If it means less sagging skin and my Intestines not being rearranged. Of course it is a personal decision but Its a decision I have trouble with. My biggest problem when it came to eating was having a huge appetite. I'm not a junk food eater, I just enjoy lots of delicious food, fruits and vegatables. Most of the time my foods are fried and my plate covered to the edges, lol. The reason why I bring that up is because maybe the best thing for me is VSG. RNY seems better for someone addicted to sweets and have other complications health wise.

My determination on it has been either way will get me to the goals I want to achieve. I look forward to living a healthy life style. Also shop for cloths that don't cost extra because of the size I wear. Lets face it Underwears are hard to find at bigger sizes. Just is, lol. Atleast for me and maybe for most guys.

I hope to have more to share in the near future. I also would like to welcome anyone new here. Have a blessed week and success to you all.
Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 6/22/11 6:28 am - Green Valley, AZ
Thanks for the update. Glad things are moving along for you. I hope you are able to decide which surgery is right for you. It is a difficult decision, I know. keep us posted.   Mag  
Jeanine J.
on 6/22/11 10:15 am
Sagging skin is unavoidable. We get sagging skin because we have been obese for a long time and the skin loses elasticity as we age. So some skin might go back but unfortunately we will have some sagging skin. It isn't about how fast we lose. Hope this helps!

What's worth the PRIZE is ALWAYS worth the FIGHT!                
Kathy B.
on 6/22/11 12:17 pm - Virginia, MN
Best of luck with the decision process Christopher. I can not make that decision for you. Talk with your surgeon, let him/her know your concerns. I know that I can deal with the saggy skin if needed, sometime, but could not deal with the aches and pains my body was giving me when hauling about the extra 100#.

Congrats on losing the needed weight befor surgery to help shrink your liver. Anything we can do to make this easier on ourselves is a benefit. Come share again when you can. Love to read updates from members.
on 6/22/11 12:49 pm - CA
You sound like I was.  Not a big sweet eater but loved my food.  Being Italian I grew up loving food.  I would eat because it was always a celebration.  Then decided I didn't like being so over weight and tired of paying such high prices for plus size clothes that weren't very cute.

I ended up with the vsg.  I'm only 2 1/2 weeks out but glad I did it.  Like you I started thinking about my intestines being rerouted and that frightened me. 

You do have to make your own decision.  Weigh your options about vitamins after care and study the operations in general.  It will put your mind more at ease.

Take Care,

on 6/23/11 12:32 am
Thank you ladies. I'm leaning more and more towards VSG. I realize there is a give and take for any surgery I under go. Giving up 85% of my stomach and accepting what is expected or could be the outcome of it. I'm going to talk with my surgeon about it. Hopefully It's not going to be a big deal to change my mind at this time. Regardless its still my decision :)

Ttyl BB's
Jeanine J.
on 6/23/11 9:15 am
I had the RNY and I wish that I could of had the VSG!! But my health insurance didn't cover it! I am glad that you are making a good decision for you! I would just double check and make sure that your insurance will cover VSG because alot of them still consider it "experimental"!

What's worth the PRIZE is ALWAYS worth the FIGHT!                
Patrece S.
on 6/24/11 12:37 am - CO
It is a big decision, and a very personal one. I know you will find peace with what is right for you. When I first began to look into wls, I was going to have the band done. I was dead set that NO ONE was going to rearrange my insides. As I studied and researched, I realized the band was pretty high maintenance, and had its share of risks, and that the RNY would probably work best for me. VSG wasn't an option for me at the time, as insurance wouldn't cover it and no one in my state even offered it.
I am soooo thankful I passed on the band and went with RNY. I am so much healthier and slimmer.
Skin will sag, unfortunately. The more stretch marks you have the more sagging, but even where there are no stretch marks there will be some sagging. The younger you are the better off you may be there. BUT I, like Kathy would rather have some sagging skin, than to be obese and feel like crap all the time. It is a very personal chjoice tho. Best of luck with everything.

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

on 6/24/11 1:17 am
I spoke to 3 different people @ my surgeons office. I told them how I felt about RNY, and how I felt about VSG. I really don't know If my health Insurance will cover VSG. As far as I can see my Insurance covers RNY. I still think I will be happy with the out come from either.

I have an appt with my Surgeon on July 28th. It will be a sit down about my concerns and feeling on RNY and VSG. Also an explanation of both from my surgeon. There is some anticipation about the outcome. Some reasurrance will be great.

Coming on here for information and checking out different experiences has been very helpful. I appreciate everything I have recieved from BB, as well as the friends I have made on Obesityhelp. I will be going back for a weigh in at my surgeons office maybe july 5th. So far I'm following the Low-fat protein diet, but man do I miss Bacon & Turkery sandwiches, & Ribbbbs, lol.
Patrece S.
on 6/24/11 4:23 am - CO
LOL. I hear ya. Some foods are certainly missable. Try turkey bacon, it is actually pretty darned good. I follow a low carb plan, with some fat ok, but not toooo much. It actually ha**** the point where if I eat something with a bit too much fat, my body revolts and I feel the grease floating in my pouch. Blahhhh. I too now prefer fruit over the former sweet treats I used to want. My body seems to appreciate the healthier diet and asks for the better foods now.

I had the RNY, and I have had no complications. I would do it again in a heartbeat. My daughter had it also, had a few complications, but she too would do it again in a heartbeat.  I am glad you will have the opportunity to discuss it all with your surgeon soon. Keep us posted on how it all goes, and what procedure it ends up you will be having.

Have a great day!

Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach          
 Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed! 

Patrece S.
Group Leader

Kathy B.
Co- Leader