Bariatric Buddy
Hi, I'm Julie, from Pa., I just joined and I was hoping someone might be able to tell about their experience with WLS and osteoarthritis. I have it in both knees now and it's become severe in the last month. My surgery isn't till June 28, 2011 and I work full time and stand all day. Can anyone reassure me that the weight loss will definitely make a difference in the severity of my knee pain once the weight starts coming off?
Hi, Julie, I am new to this group and am hoping to have surgery if I can work through some of my fears, which is happening. I'm responding for two reasons. First is that I know that each pound of weight lost is 8 pounds of leverage pressure off of your knees. The weight loss should greatly help you in moving around and, logically, it should also help with your standing but, I would assume not as much. The second reason I am responding is that I have problems with osteoarthritis in my knees also, along with problems with my meniscus and the absence of the ACL in my right knee. At this point in time, it is very difficult for me to walk and stand for any period of time without support of some kind. Based on this issue with my knees, I am wondering what your prep for surgery and/or your exercises have been in prep for surgery. My doctor is recommending exercise but I can't do the walking and I don't have access to a pool. Will you share... or will someone share any info they have on this issue? Thanks!
Thanks so much for responding! I didn't know about the 8 lbs. of leverage, that does make me feel better knowing that! In preperation for my surgery I've been seeing a dietician since Nov. and because of the excersizing she recommend I do to lose the 12 lbs. the surgeon wanted me to lose my knees got so much worse. Now I'm just trying to get through each day at wor****il the surgery and on top of that my daughter gave me a "surprise" puppy and she is way to full of energy for me to keep up with. I'm putting up a flyer at work , hoping someone can take her.
Yes, please be careful, right now I'm just doing upper body strength excersizes with 3 lb. weights. Swimming would be the very best for both of us but I can't afford a membership to the Fitness center right now. I too have fears about the surgery but I need to hopefully get rid of my diabetes and be able to walk and stand again without so much pain. Good luck to you, stay in touch! Julie
Yes, please be careful, right now I'm just doing upper body strength excersizes with 3 lb. weights. Swimming would be the very best for both of us but I can't afford a membership to the Fitness center right now. I too have fears about the surgery but I need to hopefully get rid of my diabetes and be able to walk and stand again without so much pain. Good luck to you, stay in touch! Julie
Hi Julie, I started out w/ using a walker(even in my house.) I have lost 98 pounds. I use to sit on a chair to make dinner. Some days I didn't feel like going out to the mail box. I hurt all the time. Used pain pills daily. Then I noticed that I was moving around the house without the walker. Not using many pain pills. I kept getting brave and doing more. One day I was making supper about 3 weeks ago. Then I realized I was standing. What a shock. I still have left knee pain which gets better or worse on different days. My right knee is very rarely painful anymore.. I'm able to walk further then I have in a couple of years. I am having a total left knee replacement in July. Haven't done it yet, but will be starting physical therapy to further strengthen my lower body. Everyone is different but it's sure making my life better. Hope this is an encouragement. Mag

Thanks, Mag, it does give me great encouragement to know that someone has been through this and doing quite well by the sound of it. I'm very happy for you and hope you continue to lose and feel better! Wish you luck with your knee replacement, I hope that I can put that surgery off for a long time!! Hope you'll keep in touch. Julie
Hello Julie and welcome to the group.
My knees quit hurting after I took off the weight. My back pain still exists but isn't quite as intense. My doctor told me that for every pound you lose you are taking 10 (I think, cant remember the exact number) pounds of pressure off your joints
I hope that helps. Good luck!
My knees quit hurting after I took off the weight. My back pain still exists but isn't quite as intense. My doctor told me that for every pound you lose you are taking 10 (I think, cant remember the exact number) pounds of pressure off your joints
I hope that helps. Good luck!
Thanks, Colleen, I'm so glad to hear you got relief from your knee pain, it is horrible to deal with pain every day. I too have back pain, but it's not an every day thing, just when I overdo mostly. Yes, it does help to know there are others out there dealing with the same problems and to learn what can be done that will help. Julie
Hi Julie. I too suffer from arthritis of the knees. I am down 100 pounds and my knee pain is very minimal at this time. At one point I bought a cane to help me get around. The cane has been hanging on a hook since the weight is gone. I had a hard time walking a couple of blocks at the worst time, now I walk a few miles with the critters and no ill effects. My knees are loving less of me to cart about.
If you are taking medications for your arthritis, check with your surgeon, some things are safer for our pouches than others. Any nsaid that causes stomach irritation, for example motrin, are off limits after surgery. I get by with a dose of tylenol from time to time. Any questions/issues, we will offer replies from personal experience. Hugs
If you are taking medications for your arthritis, check with your surgeon, some things are safer for our pouches than others. Any nsaid that causes stomach irritation, for example motrin, are off limits after surgery. I get by with a dose of tylenol from time to time. Any questions/issues, we will offer replies from personal experience. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
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Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Thank you so much, Kathy, I am already enjoying posting and getting replies from such nice people! I wish I had started sooner! I'm thrilled to know that you like some others *****plied that your knee pain has decreased with the weight loss, I am so looking forward to that!
. My appt. with my surgeon is the end of the month and I'll be discussing the meds that I'll need to d/c because I also have Fibromyalgia so I take meds for that also. Thanks for your reply! Hugs, Julie