Bariatric Buddy
kinda down in the dumps need some advice
hi yall i kinda fell bad ive been slacking not eversizing like i should its not that i dont want to its just istarted a part time job fofr the firsttime in my life and iget so tired out after standing in one place all day that i get to tired to go to the y tomrow i will be able to go becouse i have the day off but haveing a job for the first time in my life is hard im not used to being on my feet and im very flat fooded so when i getdone with work i just waana go home idk wat to do i just fell badcousei wont be able to go to the y as much just needed to get this out
We are here for you. All I can tell you is to just take things one day at a time. Do what you can do and don't feel bad. I don't know what you do for work but if you are on your feet alot then you are walking which is exercising. Let your body get use to "working" and then you can focus on what other exercises you can fit into your day.
Granny speed is fine Tim. Impressive that you are trying to get in physical activity. It will make a big difference after surgery, when you are used to being active now. Healthy habits take time to set in. I know that you will prevail.
I understand being flat footed. Do you wear arch supports and sturdy shoes? I can tell the difference when I have proper footwear on. If you stand in one place, work usually provides antifatigue mats to stand on.
Congrats on lining up a job. Does wonders for self esteem. The walking you do at work burns calories too.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. We are here for bouncing ideas off. Take this one day/step at a time. The best is yet to come.
I understand being flat footed. Do you wear arch supports and sturdy shoes? I can tell the difference when I have proper footwear on. If you stand in one place, work usually provides antifatigue mats to stand on.
Congrats on lining up a job. Does wonders for self esteem. The walking you do at work burns calories too.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. We are here for bouncing ideas off. Take this one day/step at a time. The best is yet to come.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

thanks well i dont walk that much if i do it ant very far lol i ushily stand in one spot and make vigie dishes and stuff and then put the tags on and put them in the case i dont think that burns off much in the way of calaries and it helps my self esteam alot um i have been tapeing my foot witch seems to help i dont have arch suports yet got to make a apointment and the shoes i have do have a bit of a arch in them to help my feet