Bariatric Buddy
Checking in
Hi everyone, checking in. I have been away a couple of days. I am getting into my new work schedule. We switched to 12 hour shifts a few weeks ago. I now work every third weekend instead of every other. Learning what I need to do for myself on these times when I do say "no" to overtime or have time to myself.
I had one of those weekends this last weekend. I went to coffee with wls friends saturday, sandwiched with visiting with my brother and his family. My brother was kind enough to fix the viral problems with my hubbies computer. I will be among the first to say that I have my challenges with computers and my brother works with them for a living. Thank goodness for family with talents.
I left my critters home with my hubby and travelled the 3 hours to my brothers place for time away from it all. It was good, then arriving home again late saturday evening was nice too. It is good to get away from time to time, always better to get home again to normal things. Feels almost like a vacation, I had 7 days off during rotation of the work schedule. Four more to go. I slept in today and got some time in in my craft area to rearrange some of the tables and think about efficient use of the new space. One of these days, I am going to start whipping up a fresh new quilt. Before that happens, I want to have all the varnishing done on the last shelves I plan to install on the wall. I put up the brackets a few days ago, got the boards cut to length. Just to sand and apply the finish. Who knows, I may get the sander going in a bit. It is 11pm, but I won't disturb anyone by running the sander here in the garage. Yayyyyyy
Tomorrow is bariatric buddy chat session again, I will try to attend a few minutes of that, then zip off to wls support group here in town. Anyone near Virginia, MN? Meet us at the YMCA for wls support group 6:30 pm monday, and the third monday of each month.
What do you have planned to do for yourself this week? More time for my hobbies and catching up on a little laundry, etc for me. Hugs
I had one of those weekends this last weekend. I went to coffee with wls friends saturday, sandwiched with visiting with my brother and his family. My brother was kind enough to fix the viral problems with my hubbies computer. I will be among the first to say that I have my challenges with computers and my brother works with them for a living. Thank goodness for family with talents.
I left my critters home with my hubby and travelled the 3 hours to my brothers place for time away from it all. It was good, then arriving home again late saturday evening was nice too. It is good to get away from time to time, always better to get home again to normal things. Feels almost like a vacation, I had 7 days off during rotation of the work schedule. Four more to go. I slept in today and got some time in in my craft area to rearrange some of the tables and think about efficient use of the new space. One of these days, I am going to start whipping up a fresh new quilt. Before that happens, I want to have all the varnishing done on the last shelves I plan to install on the wall. I put up the brackets a few days ago, got the boards cut to length. Just to sand and apply the finish. Who knows, I may get the sander going in a bit. It is 11pm, but I won't disturb anyone by running the sander here in the garage. Yayyyyyy
Tomorrow is bariatric buddy chat session again, I will try to attend a few minutes of that, then zip off to wls support group here in town. Anyone near Virginia, MN? Meet us at the YMCA for wls support group 6:30 pm monday, and the third monday of each month.
What do you have planned to do for yourself this week? More time for my hobbies and catching up on a little laundry, etc for me. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Hi Kathy, Good to hear from you. I've not got too much planned for this week except I start Balance therapy on Thursday. I will be happy to know what it is that I'm going to do that will help my balance.
One more dentist appointment and that should be the end for a while.
Big thing on my list is spring cleaning and getting clothes read to take to a resale shop whose profits go to help women in need.
Hugs to you, Mag
One more dentist appointment and that should be the end for a while.
Big thing on my list is spring cleaning and getting clothes read to take to a resale shop whose profits go to help women in need.
Hugs to you, Mag

Glad to see that you are finally getting a break from work. I wish my job would switch to 12 hour shifts as well. For now I am stuck working the weekend shifts (12h) and the 2 days (8h) during the week. Biggest thing I got planned for the week is to get my a$$ back in to the gym. I am scheduled 2 days at my 2nd job so I only have 1 day off this week, which is tomorrow. Probably wont be in chat monday due to sleeping. I have an appointment with the Psych at Noon. I doubt I will get any sleep before then. Then if it is pretty I am gonna get outside and take the dog for a walk at the park. I may or may not go to the gym. They do have monday night step aerobics, but I have always been so tired come 7p on mondays after working the weekend.
Have a great Monday and week
Have a great Monday and week