Bariatric Buddy
5-day pouch test... again!
It seems that i still can't kick the carb habit
I went overboard on Doritos and nuts this wekend -again!! and as of tomorrow, I'm going back to the thing that has worked for me twice in the past - the 5-day pouch test/detox diet. Wish me luck!
Not that it's an excuse, but I've been going through some tough problems lately. My MS symptoms are back in all their glory. Today I can't stand on my feet. Add to that our financial problems due to a delay in finalizing the sale of some real estate which has caused us to fall behind on all of our bank payments and you may get the idea. Sometimes I wish I could sleep until everything is all over!
Sorry to be a downer today, but this is the only place I feel comfortable discussing such things.

Not that it's an excuse, but I've been going through some tough problems lately. My MS symptoms are back in all their glory. Today I can't stand on my feet. Add to that our financial problems due to a delay in finalizing the sale of some real estate which has caused us to fall behind on all of our bank payments and you may get the idea. Sometimes I wish I could sleep until everything is all over!
Sorry to be a downer today, but this is the only place I feel comfortable discussing such things.
Temptations SUCK! our weaknesses are still there , we have to have the inner wisdom to know and admitt we are backsliding, and doing something about it is what matters, Keep focused and kick the bad habit...again :) good for you your taking charge and working at this. I know things are exhausting with health and work, stay motivated and you will succeed! I never done the pouch test, hope I will never need to.. although I do admitt, I had some bad foods, but stopped after realizing.. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! LOL... took more than a few days, but I did it :) and I wish you all the luck in achieving this :)