Bariatric Buddy
I'm so happy
It is monday, and I am off for the next 48 hours. Yayyyy.
Second reason to be happy..... Bariatric buddy chat session is this evening. Come one, come all. Time for sharing and caring for each other. We start at 7pm eastern, 6pm central, 5pm mountain and 4pm pacific. Entrance shortcut is . You may need to update your JAVA if having trouble getting into the chat room. Keep trying. Chat usually lasts about an hour. Any questions, send a PM to KathyB4me, here at OH.
Second reason to be happy..... Bariatric buddy chat session is this evening. Come one, come all. Time for sharing and caring for each other. We start at 7pm eastern, 6pm central, 5pm mountain and 4pm pacific. Entrance shortcut is . You may need to update your JAVA if having trouble getting into the chat room. Keep trying. Chat usually lasts about an hour. Any questions, send a PM to KathyB4me, here at OH.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

sry I missed chat tonight. Was taking a nap, which has been my routine the last few weeks. I wanted to go to step aerobics tonight as well. Didnt happen. LOL.
Enjoy your time off. Today is my only day off. I work 2 shifts (16h) at my 2nd job, plus my normal 40 hours at my FT one. Can't wait til next monday (when I am off again).
Have a great night
Enjoy your time off. Today is my only day off. I work 2 shifts (16h) at my 2nd job, plus my normal 40 hours at my FT one. Can't wait til next monday (when I am off again).
Have a great night