Bariatric Buddy
Another update and just saying hi and one question
my surgery is 4 days away and i have a lot on my mind but things are good. i am trying to stay positive. my counselor gave me a little chicken to to take with me and said think of her. lol. i got a 100 percent on my accounting test and had 5 tests and 1 presentation to give in one week. i have one more test left, besides the test of not getting sick: Gabby has strep. Are you kidding me?? We went and bought some protein drinks and have to return the one for a store credit or something. gag-ricific. i could write a story just about the confessions of someone who has had gastric bypass and i think i will! but first step - have the surgery! lol. one more day of school and then two days of my full liquid diet and drinking that lemon flavored stuff to make you go to the bathroom. my one question is did anyone have to give themselves/get injections 2x a day to prevent blood clots? i told the dr that they saved the worst for last so people wouldn't back out! hubby might have a new job and so much is going on and i am not good with change or a lot going on. so i am breathing and taking things piece by piece. we did errands and spent time with gabby at chuck e cheese. did a last run to the grocery store. bought a new thermometer. i wanted a new nightgown but decided it was a waste of money since i had already gotten myself some. blood sugar is under control again but worried about it once i hit the "gaterade" diet. i have 1 appointment those days and i hope it doesnt take long! lol. luckilly its in the p.m. not a.m. so lots going on. Gave Gabby a bag of stuff including a book that i had printed that i wrote her with my cousins help. LOTS of errors because we were rushing but hopefully she will think its the thought that counts! and hopefulyl she will still think that when she's older. lol. so thats about it thats been going on here. the illusive search to find a drinkable protein drink for my "sensitive" stomach. i am considering buying beneprotein and just putting it in EVERYTHING. the powdered milk is kind of pushing it to be honest and sits heavy in my stomach which i know is not a good thing for later. speaking of later, its time for me to eat again. i am on a schedule and loving chicken broth. i will need more for after surgery. okay enough ranting, i just dont talk to anyone except my husband and one friend so it can be nice to talk to other peoples.
Wow, 75 pounds before surgery is incredible, congratulations! I did have Lovenox injections in the hospital twice a day to prevent blood clots, but did not have to continue that after being discharged home. I tried to walk as much as possible starting in the hospital and when not walking I was constantly doing ankle pumps; getting a clot was one of my biggest fears. I hope you find a protein powder that you like and agrees with you. Best of luck with your surgery, will be thinking happy thoughts for you.
Hi Sara,
I am a diabetic and take pills to keep it under control. When I do have my surgery I will take Lovenox shots twice a day until the Dr. tells me I can go off and go back to my pills. Hopefully i will lose enough weight that I won't have to take anymore pills! Yeah.
I have a fear that when I go on a luquid diet it will play havoc on my blood sugar.
Good luck to you and I would like to friend you to keep up with your progress.
I am a diabetic and take pills to keep it under control. When I do have my surgery I will take Lovenox shots twice a day until the Dr. tells me I can go off and go back to my pills. Hopefully i will lose enough weight that I won't have to take anymore pills! Yeah.
I have a fear that when I go on a luquid diet it will play havoc on my blood sugar.
Good luck to you and I would like to friend you to keep up with your progress.
I did not have to take the blood thinner s******cept while in the hospital. I also took insulin before surgery. The blood thinner shots and insulin shots felt the same, just a small mosquito stick. Important to remember, do not rub the area where you get the shot, leads to a large bruise for your body to reabsorb.
Best wishes for rapid healing after your surgery. You know the drill, walk, walk, stroll, walk, sip, sip, sip and sip some more. Post again when you can Sara. Hugs
Best wishes for rapid healing after your surgery. You know the drill, walk, walk, stroll, walk, sip, sip, sip and sip some more. Post again when you can Sara. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Sounds like you have been one busy lady. R&R will be coming soon enough. I did have to take lovenox injections for 3 weeks, but only once a day. Thank goodness for my belly being numb for that time. Only felt it the last 4-5 days. But the pain was so worth it, so not to get the blood clots.
Wishing you the best on your upcoming surgery. Remember to walk as much as possible, it works much better at relieving the gas and bloating than Gas-x does. I actually found that gas-X did not work at all.
Wishing you the best on your upcoming surgery. Remember to walk as much as possible, it works much better at relieving the gas and bloating than Gas-x does. I actually found that gas-X did not work at all.