Bariatric Buddy
Super Saturday
Good morning everyone. I haven't started a thread for a while. I am up early, usual for me, with a straight night shift at work. It is 3:30 am, I sleep best in the evening time, last night, couldn't stay awake late for the life of me. I am off work this weekend and could sleep different hours if I wanted to. My body is set in the sleep off schedule from the rest of the world mode. I don't fight it, just do things that are quiet while the rest of the house sleeps. Laundry is in the machine now, lol. I will be heading out to my craft studio in the garage when I finish this note. I hear my quilt saying "Kathy, kathy, we miss ya" I am nearly finished sorting my stash and started to install my bifold doors on the closet area. I am excited that the build and sort is nearly completed. Yayyyyy
I found a quote from Grandma Moses that I want to share with everyone.
I found a quote from Grandma Moses that I want to share with everyone.
"Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be."
– Grandma Moses
This struck a cord with me, are we making life all that we can? Are we doing all that we can for our health? Are we letting work, commitments, overtake our personal time? What do you think? Back to putting myself as my top priority. Let's think about life this weekend and make it all we can. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Well Kathy once again you hit the nail on the head. Life is what we make it. And Last night I went to a "girls night out party" and tonight I am going to a bowling fundraiser for one of my friends. This is something I would not have done a year ago. I would have been to afraid that I would be the biggest person there. Now I am enjoying myself and if no one likes my 'bat wings' or the fact that I eat like a bird well too bad! I am finally having a great time! Although I still feel like the fattest in the room, that I am working on. In the movie Fried Green Tomatos they had a saying, it means to me, HEAR ME ROAR!
That is gonna be my mantra today, tuwanda tuwanda tuwanda.
That is gonna be my mantra today, tuwanda tuwanda tuwanda.
Go for it Dani. Live is what you make it. Make it the best. You are no longer the largest person, I saw your ticker, lol.
I am hearin' you roar. Love it. Hugs
I am hearin' you roar. Love it. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Normally i have the same schedule as you Kathy. LOL. Cept for the weekends, i have been in bed around MN at the latest (which is early for me). I am still only sleeping 5 hours at a time. Even after taking Lunesta. Have had one day I slept for 6.5. Will be glad when i get to the 8hours.
Make sure to let us see your quilt when you fini**** I have always wanted to make one. Then again i also want to learn to play the piano, learn to crochet and go to Austrailia. Not sure when any of that is gonna happen.
have a great weekend.
Make sure to let us see your quilt when you fini**** I have always wanted to make one. Then again i also want to learn to play the piano, learn to crochet and go to Austrailia. Not sure when any of that is gonna happen.
have a great weekend.