Bariatric Buddy
lil bits
Efforts to try and get back in the groove of things...smashed! ... I got the flu since last post.. still sick.. got know what happened there.. anyhoo.. I am not wanting to eat, not wanting to exercise- been a while for that.. I do force my self to eat what I can and I still am leaning on shakes alot. is this normal at my phase? I do know I am back in to my morning ritual- coffee..I did add food to the ritual.. before was no food.. but I can eat maybe 1 egg.. my chart says 2 eggs some wheat toast and fruit... yeah..ok.. not me... 1 egg.. some fruit in cottage cheese..spaced apart about 1 not in one sitting.. however... I can a egg roll in one sitting.. and almost whole burrito smothered in sauce and melted cheese.. I can eat just over half.. in one sitting.. had one for dinner when able to eat. but around this I do my shakes.. I love my 30 grams in one 3 xs a day.. I get all my protein...but.. im weening off it.. trying to get what I can from my foods alone... so still at 2 shakes now...I cant seem to get it all from foods..... any suggestions? oh and one more thing... I love nachos and cheese... I never liked them as I do now.. since I get those female cravings.. it turned to that.. I do not eat them alot.. I know.. BAD BAD .. but I eat a lil bit and give rest to my son who waits for my even tried sugar free apple pie...GROSS... my husband..who is diabetic.. happily took over the un eaten attempts and giggles at me.. just wait.. Im putting tuna in his meat loaf..- fyi he hates tuna..LOL lil joys.. I can do then tell him about it later..haha.. yes Im horrible..but in a fun way.. well he will eat all kinds of things in front of me and loudly say MMMMMMM so good... so... I can do it my own Ok onto other things... I wish I lived near clothing swaps.. I need more clothes.. and my girls need more bras..I could compare them to grammas girls now.. I thought breast feeding deflated them... oh goodness.. add weight loss..and its grammas girls... Ok next Oh yes let me say that I can put my legg up while sitting watching tv.. and felt so weird..been ages since I could do that.. and I can wear normal watches now.. how great is that! oh and count down til riding rides with my kids at the fun parks this summer.. I am taking pictures!
ok time to go.. need to crawl under blankets...
thanks for reading..
ok time to go.. need to crawl under blankets...
thanks for reading..
Tammy, the nachos, buritos, apple pie, not the best sources of protein. They are all carbohydrate. Eating carbohydrated instead of protein sets us up for wanting more carbohydrates and then we slip into weight gain. Gotta get things back on track. Protein first, then vegetables and a little fruit. Last of all the carbohydrates and starches.
Another member posted a couple days ago about being tired or taking care of themselves too. This is a lifestyle that we signed up for. This lifestyle is saving us from our old habits. Get over your illness and then get back on track. Take this one hour at a time, one day at a time, one bite at a time. Ask yourself, is this good fuel for my body?
Sounds like you and your family are not on the same page right now on supporting each other to the best of your abilities. Sit down, have a converstion about each other's needs and ways to show positive support. Know that I am here for you to lean on over the internet. Think protein first. Tammy, you are worth the effort. We can do this together.
Another member posted a couple days ago about being tired or taking care of themselves too. This is a lifestyle that we signed up for. This lifestyle is saving us from our old habits. Get over your illness and then get back on track. Take this one hour at a time, one day at a time, one bite at a time. Ask yourself, is this good fuel for my body?
Sounds like you and your family are not on the same page right now on supporting each other to the best of your abilities. Sit down, have a converstion about each other's needs and ways to show positive support. Know that I am here for you to lean on over the internet. Think protein first. Tammy, you are worth the effort. We can do this together.
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

The cheese on nachos is the burrito was beef and bean.both protiens lol and the extra added cheese... more protien..oh I dont eat the shell just the insides :) and once..maybe 2xs I ate it.. and apple pie-sugar free.. insides only- fruit..and to taste had 1 bite.. still bad I know.. just a taste..but was disgusting and no more for me.. temptations..I sniff or lick.. lol.. I wont be going into bad habits.. I wont eat breads and carbs cept the nachos..and no more for the next 6 months.. I may bite into one... the thing is not eating enough at one sitting.. I do everything in order normally.. but still dont seem to be getting enough in to get off the shakes...I do love the fact that with this change of lifestyle.. I can not sneak and break a goal..I can not go drinking a milkshake..or taking a bite of cake.. not happening.. I did 3 birthdays since surgery.. I did not want or attempt the wrong foods.. ya me! hubby supports me at times... but when he jokes...he doesnt see things that are insulting...maybe he thinks I can handle it and its ok.. I tell him how wrong it is..and he wasnt right for what he did.. he says he is sorry..then something happens again.. at first.. he was so great making sure how I felt about things and confirming are you sure and things like that.. .. I dont have much problems with my children being like this.. they eat and go on about their business... no extended sounds and rubbing it in as I would say hubby has done lately.. Back to my foods, I think the few mistakes are not going to turn me back.. but I think the depression makes it challenging.. I found myself doing head hunger not long before I got sick.. I never realized it affected me... I stayed away from the kitchen til it passed and sipped on my hot tea and watched movies with my kids.. took 4 hours but it passed.. will it stop being there? or will it be a forever part of my life that I have to struggle with?? and will I ever get off the shakes? btw.. I love the new grocery shopping skills.. outside asles only.. fresh foods.. no boxes and no carbs..I let the hubby buy from the other areas so I do not get tempted and we plan foods to accomedate everyone even with my changed lifestyle.. like they want pasta for dinner.. sure.. I make salad with meat in it..thats for everyone too but its my main meal..and I put eggs cheese, chicken or turkey and I only eat fresh spinach and other dark greens, no iceburg lettuce.. I also will make fish.. they like the sticks I make fresh for me in its own dish.. yum.. SO.. I also love cottage cheese and fruit.. its my weekly food.... even while hubby is eating pizza quick muffins for lunch I stay focused... I do not regrett not being able to eat all those ugly foods...bonus to all this.. I do see a therpaist since making this major decision in my life..and got my husband to see her too.. she ahs schedule us for couple counceling... which got canceled recently due to me being down with the flu.. but he is willing to go and thats a good thing.. and my therapist has other clients with wls and specializes in couples counceling too.. both are a bonus and I am glad I found her.. SO anyways.. was passing through with bathroom break and back to my Just yell at me later if I mention or think of bad foods again.. :)
Hey, hey Tammy. Sounds like you are doing great. Just had to call out the foods you had listed. Only cuz I care. I let my hubby shop the inner isles too. Try to avoid the store during the times when the bakery has just made fresh cookies, my downfall, love the smell of them. Breads do not tempt me, gave them up several years ago due to diabetes. Dennis still does not understand that carbs are mostly off limits for me. He loves bread, pasta, full sugar pop, and lots of sugar in his ice tea. There is the carb cupboard in the kitchen, I leave it alone, has his fav carb items there and when he runs low, he comes along to the store to select what he wants.
Tonight for supper, I fixed pork steak in a cream soup sauce, cooked quinoa for myself and rice for Dennis. I can't get him to try the quinoa yet. Just a teaspoonfull and I was satisfied. I discovered that the pork did not set well, saliva pooling in my mouth and feeling like my pouch wants to empty. Even in the past, before surgery, I did not throw up often. I kept moving until the feeling passed. Guess pork is off my list for a while.
Do your best to stay on the approved lists of foods. I will call you on it again if needed. Cuz I care, hugs
Tonight for supper, I fixed pork steak in a cream soup sauce, cooked quinoa for myself and rice for Dennis. I can't get him to try the quinoa yet. Just a teaspoonfull and I was satisfied. I discovered that the pork did not set well, saliva pooling in my mouth and feeling like my pouch wants to empty. Even in the past, before surgery, I did not throw up often. I kept moving until the feeling passed. Guess pork is off my list for a while.
Do your best to stay on the approved lists of foods. I will call you on it again if needed. Cuz I care, hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Ya know ... you made me smile. had to tell you this before I end up in bed for the night. It does speak louder to a person to have the foods layed out there even if it was just a thought or taste.
I try to avoid the stores alot of times.. the people and crowds get to me, but so does the pain with walking- my back feels like its gonna break..or I loose function of my hip and down I go!.. anyhoo.. I tried pork..very very small amount.. stayed down.. but I stick to turkey and chicken.. I never had quinoa I dont think.. what is it??.. oh i have a question... is cabbage a problem? I was wanting to try a taste of coleslaw..but was going to call my nut before doing so.. I can have seafood now..YAY! but.. im limited too cause if its cooked in resturant.. they can add things that dont agree with me.. so I bought crab and fish and other seafoods..made at home with seasons I can trust I can
oh.. I think I am getting pnuemonia.. dr said nothing last week when i went for having flu, but meds he gave are not helping, my asthma is bad right now and I cant get in enough air esp when talking.. I am thinking trip to ER soon.. going to try nebulizer see how it helps first. Will let you know how I am doing..
good night! Huggs!
I try to avoid the stores alot of times.. the people and crowds get to me, but so does the pain with walking- my back feels like its gonna break..or I loose function of my hip and down I go!.. anyhoo.. I tried pork..very very small amount.. stayed down.. but I stick to turkey and chicken.. I never had quinoa I dont think.. what is it??.. oh i have a question... is cabbage a problem? I was wanting to try a taste of coleslaw..but was going to call my nut before doing so.. I can have seafood now..YAY! but.. im limited too cause if its cooked in resturant.. they can add things that dont agree with me.. so I bought crab and fish and other seafoods..made at home with seasons I can trust I can
oh.. I think I am getting pnuemonia.. dr said nothing last week when i went for having flu, but meds he gave are not helping, my asthma is bad right now and I cant get in enough air esp when talking.. I am thinking trip to ER soon.. going to try nebulizer see how it helps first. Will let you know how I am doing..
good night! Huggs!
Yes Tammy, turkey and chicken stay with me best. I like seafood too, just not good at cooking it. You are about 4 months out not, maybe try cooked cabbage first, I had a hard time with veggies that were not soft for quite some time. Cabbage causes gas, take it easy at first. I have had pork roast before and it settled ok, the pork steak was a little tougher and just did not feel good in my pouch. Learning more each day.
Hope your breathing gets better asap. No fun being ill. Here's to the neb working for your breathing. Nite too, hugs
Hope your breathing gets better asap. No fun being ill. Here's to the neb working for your breathing. Nite too, hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group