Bariatric Buddy
Hiding the dang scale & other ramblings
There is no way possible that I can weigh myself more than once a week like the NUT said. I am getting compulsive and it has become part of my daily ritual to weigh right when I get up. Not liking the numbers because I know there is no way that I can gain and lose 6 pounds in just a day. So I asked my fiance to hide the darn thing. I am not gonna weight for 2 weeks. I do have the WiiFit Plus. If I want to check my weight, then i have to be willing to exercise as well. But I did just find out that you can skip the body fit test (which is what gives your BMI and weight).
I have been having a hard time getting back in the swing of working again. I feel like I just got plain LAZY while I was out for those 5 weeks. I know that is not the case, but I can't help feeling that maybe I should have done more. Can't go back and change anything now though and there is no use crying over spilled milk.
Been having a hard time getting in my fluids. Just don't like the taste of anything. I have been eating quite a few SF popsicles the last couple of days. Am thinking that I am gonna take a bunch with me to work this weekend as well. Just in case I get tired of drinking, then I can suck away on em. Protein has been okay, but not my usual. Still getting 60-70g in. I really need to order the Nectar which I loved the flavors of. The Beneprotein is not that bad. I have only tried it mixed in my low sugar oatmeal. So I think that I will try that again tomorrow for breakfast. I have been eating 1 egg (over-easy) w/ shredded cheese and 4oz of dannon L&F yogurt nearly everyday since I was put on pureeds. Time to spice things up. I figured if I alternate between that and the oatmeal (which gives me more protein and less fat) then my body will not get so used to the same old thing. Normally I would just skip breakfast, so breakfast foods are not my cup of tea.
Monday I start my full personal trainer sessions. I admit that I am not looking forward to doing it right after I get off from working the graveyard shift the night before. But I need to set up some sort of routine. If I do not exercise before going to bed on MONDAY, then chances are that I will not exercise when I wake up Monday and then I seem to spiral out of control (no exercise so far this week). It was suggested that I go M-W-F. So i am gonna try 3 days a week for a month and see how it goes. If I like it, then I will take my tax refund and buy more sessions up front. I feel that I need the extra push right now.
Do get used to having breakfast, protein for breakfast. It gets your metabolism started for the day. As another night shift worker, I know about eating on a nontraditional schedule. You can have anything for a meal, not necessarily "breakfast" food. Go ahead and have what sounds good, as long as it is high protein and in your allowed foods.
Keep up the exercise, sip, sip, sip, sip,sip.......... Hugs
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I have been trying to eat something within 2 hours of getting out of bed. Most days it has been breakfast foods, but others it has been whatever I am in the mood for. This is way better than pre-op. Pre-op I would wake up at 11 and not eat til 5pm.. This is definitely gonna be a learning process. Gotta get better with my calcium. Been great with my iron and my MVI.
Each day I do better and better. Pretty good with fluids today as well. Yesterday woulda sucked if not for the 6 SF popsicles that I had.
Hope you are having a great weekend.