Bariatric Buddy
Gallbladder problem
Tis normal Mag. Sometimes they take a suspicious gallbladder out with the wls. I had my gallbladder removed several years before my wls. Felt so much better without the offending gallbladder.
Do the testing and see if that is your trouble. The gallbladder surgery was fairly easy, discharged the next day, some folks go home the same day.
Keep us up to date with your results. Hugs
Do the testing and see if that is your trouble. The gallbladder surgery was fairly easy, discharged the next day, some folks go home the same day.
Keep us up to date with your results. Hugs
OH Support Group Leader
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group
Come visit us at the bariatric buddy group

Symptoms as follow: when I first wake up I feel pretty good. I can drink water and protein well until I eat something or try to take my meds and/or vits. I just get worse. I drink and eat slow and stop before full. My upper abd is tender. I get pains across my upper back. I ask the assistant if I could stop the solid food, ut she said I need to eat at last one meal a day. I'm allowed 1/4th cup of soft food a day plus 2 protein shakes. I did great my first three weeks. No n/v at all, and lots of enery. Now when I eat or take pills, 1 hour later It's uncomfortable and continues to get worse through the day. By night my upper abd. hurts to the point I can't sleep well. I've lost 30 pounds since surgery on 1/11/11, but my abd measures bigger now and seems bloated. I don't want to eat or drink because it is soooo uncomfortable. no temp no signs of infection. blood work is good. Have started to vomit daily which I didn't do for the 1st three weeks. Thanks for asking. Mag
My daughter had to have her gallbladder out after wls. It is very very common. Rapid weight loss can cause it to have troubles. But once they take care of should be great! Jus****ch fatty foods, which you should be anyhow. It is usually able to be removed laproscopically, and is a pretty easy recovery too, so lets hope, if it is your GB this is how it will be taken care of. Keep us posted and best of luck lady!
Obesity Help Support Group Leader & Coach
Lost 114 lbs. working on getting rid of a recent 10 lb regain...and WILL succeed!